Friday, April 08, 2005

test result.

wow wow wow. my exam results will be out tml man! kjs [kan jiong spider] to the max man! though i know i'm gonna fail a few, but somehow i haf dis feeling that they'll moderate and that i'll get a D? at least a pass u know? i really wanna do my SIP and FYP wif my friends of my batch. if i fail any subjects, i'll hafta do my final year project wif the retained students. shit man. let's hope for the best.

i know its a bit too late to post dis but, the pope's dead! and many many of my non-christian family members asked me if i'll haf a half-day off from sch, whether will i still be able to go heaven without him or will i still be forgiven from now until the next pope's elected. i really wanna laugh lah, but dis is a sad thing man! c'mon pple! don't laugh lah, God's word needs to be spread! at least the basics? hahahhahaha. [sorry, couldn't contain anymore] my laughter's innocent lah k? they're like so innocent or ignorant should i say? hmm, they're speculating if the next pope will be a black. coz there's dis cardinal from south africa or some black country i forgot, got elected to be one of the "candidates". yah, but who cares lah.

alright, later's the dinner. kinda looking forward for the meet-up, but on the other side of my scrony brain is holding me back, dreading. not sure how it'll turn out and stuff. not sure if its gonna turn out weird. anyway, will update u guys man. i mean, update on my exam results. not so much of my private stuff lah. -quote danielle- let ur heart itchy itchy! -unquote danielle-

* eagerly dreading *


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