Monday, March 21, 2005


started the day bad lah, some screw ups and irritated pple in church and stuff. felt kinda affected lah, but i guess its okay now. worship was good, the mime was touching and the sermon was striking! the whole service was perfect for me! i was really happy, really inspired at the end of today. i felt that on the whole, God actually spoke to me so clearly and directly what He wants me to do. "Get out of ur comfort zone and serve!" the first thing that came to my mind after the word "serve" is Hearts At Work, the junior youths. crashed their service and at first i was like "so damn rowdy sial, not my type." the worship was horrendous! clap beat out, tunes out, one guitar only and the kids are not even singing! i tried to sing, i couldn't. okay, that didn't bother me so much, just some ordinary sunday and blah blah. went on to HOF and had some decent worship where pple sing and in tune, in tempo. [wanna slap me right? arrogant ass.] haha. yah, then went for meeting, and then to work. everything seemed like normal routine to me. until when sebas and mayteng walked into life bookshop to get a book, things changed eversince. sebas and i were talking and basically recaping on what we've learnt in dinos, while mayteng gets her book and walked around. and we talked from i think 8.45 to 9.40? den we had to close shop, but we were enjoying the conversation so much that we still wanna talk some more. [at least for me lah] so i asked the both of them if they wanna wait for me as i settle the sales and the accounts, den we can walk to the mrt station together. they agreed. then blah blah blah, closed the shop and we walked as planned lah. so i happen to just popp mayteng the question "eh, how u and mengyan tahan so long wan ar? like nvr quarrel wan?" den sebas interrupted abt some Christian stuff, so mayteng got no chance to talk. den when sebas and i finished on that topic, mayteng was like "why u say how we tahan? we also quarrel alot wan leh! only u all nvr see." u should see the look on her face. like she yearns to talk to pple abt her r/s and her feelings and so on, but she just don't haf the opportunities to. so when i poped her that question, i think she was like "finally!! i can say!". so she blurt out all her hurts, concerns and the stuff that she had been feeling all along. so i started wif my Dr. Love crap lah. talked to her how i feel abt certain issues, helping her to see the whole picture from an outside point-of-view. as i talk to her, i can feel like i'm really reaching out to someone so real, sincere and innocent. literally. she was like so so interested and so wanting to share. maybe its just coz of her expression lah. yah. den we ended up talking until 10.45 at the bus stop opp peninsular. yah, the best part is after the whole thing, their bus came, and before they left, sebas said dis "learnt something from u today, bro!" mayteng said "eh, thanks for listening and sharing." [not the exact words, but that's what i remembered lah]. yep. it felt so good. u know, i'm not really close to the both of them, but today i could relate to them. i felt really "annoited". the whole time in the mrt back to the east, i was like thinking "should i step out of my comfort zone and serve my brothers and sisters?" and i've decided to do it! i'm gonna make an effort, to sit down and listen, just purely listen to pple that i used to be not-so-close, that i used to dislike. just wanna really step out of my comfort zone and show them that there are pple out there who cares for them, i wanna bear their burdens wif them. and i've also decided on serving in Hearts At Work, to serve the younger generation, hopefully i'll learn something from dis. i really do feel dis as God's will for me. in the bible, it clearly states that God's ultimate will is to let as many pple around the world, know His word, and from there, know God even more. i wanna do dis! all these were inspired by cheryl. i used to hate her for like being so stressed up over her cell group boys, and having lunch wif them and not spending time wif me and all that. but now i realised, she actually is a courageous girl who is willing to step out of her comfort zone to serve pple that she don't even know! that's really something that i've to learn from her. yep! do pray for me, if those who happen to find out dis blog of mine. yep! God speaks!

*Don't try to hear God the way u expected Him to, be open and sensitive. See and listen!*


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