Thursday, April 07, 2005

test date.

hee hoo hee hoo! my test date's on 4th Aug man!! can't wait. today was like damn funny, i drove to upper pierce reservoir. the instructor told me "ah boy ar, if u see one snake along the way, dis lesson hup-ply [half-price] ar, if u see two snakes, dis lesson flee [free] okay? haha. den i was like damn excited lah, looking out for snakes and so on. and we saw monkeys man! the instructor bought 2 packets of peanuts just to feed the monkeys. haha. damn funny. but there were no snakes sighted man. shit! so i had to pay full price for dis lesson. dammit! but was quite cool lah, completed a perfect 3-point-turn on first try. even though its not tested. haha. that's all for driving today.

oh, today time passed damn fast at work. had some stocks to do. finished all 5 boxes in 2 hrs sial. slowly take my time to do but still finish so fast. so i had another 2 hrs, i read "finding Mr. Right" and "finding the right woman for you". was kinda interesting though. the author quoted verses from the Book of Ruth in the bible, and elaborated on it. honestly, it set me thinking a lil. like why am i in a r/s and how should i make a r/s work and last. i used to be so ignorant and arrogant, thinking that i know everything abt love. but today, i proved to myself that all that i know was just the basics. so little that i know how a girl actually feels and what she actually wants. but oh well, timing is always against me i guess. its always too late, no matter how fast i try to rush things. maybe i shouldn't rush anymore. was just thinking of giving up everything and try to start afresh. i told myself earlier that "if somebody's not gonna meet us, i'll gif up everything. but he said he'll still to meet us no matter what." so i'll see what happens tml lor. yep.

*don't care? OR can't care?*


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