Thursday, May 05, 2005


finally i've switched on my com man. its been 4 days? busy lah. anyway, to those nokie users, please make use of the "Organizer" if u don't haf a planner. its darn useful! seriously, it helped me to get organised and plan ahead to agree or not agree wif appointments. used to agree to everything and when the dates draw closer, i realise tht i'll hafta cancel or postpone some. quite bastardized lah. well, disadvantage of NOT having an organizer. hahahaha. okay, enough of bullSHIT.

my life had been pretty dramatic for the whole of the 4 days that i was gone. dramatic in a sense that, since now i'm in the skit together wif the Youth For Christ[YFC] for the BB fun camp in June. had to act wif extreme exaggeration. [to: andrew & derek] yah, i had to ACT. it was really amazing lah, to know what are their expectations in the skit. well, after 2 rehearsals. we shoud be on the right track by now, just hafta add in props and costume and a bit more of emotions. yep. dis is one reason why my life had been so dramatic these days.

the other aspect of drama in my life is actually more on personal emotions and feelings towards somebody. had ALL ALONG been unhappy wif dis guy and i had to learn to forgive and forget for the sake of the commandments in the bible as well as a healthy r/s wif cheryl. it's hard lah, really. time and time again, after trying so hard to forget abt the whole matter and accept him, something he'll do to just trigger the whole shit that i'm feeling towards him back lah! its just a matter of time man. sometimes i think is it really i'm over-sensitive, or that i'm the only one who thinks that i can see through his next step and what exactly is he trying to do. its disturbing lah, i used to haf insecurities in my r/s wif cheryl. and each time he comes, all those insecurities kept rushing back. and each time its worst. well, nonetheless i had to handle dis myself. its gonna take a long time, to unplug the HATRED i haf for that person. dammit! its so tough man. anyways, yep.

haha, as u've read cheryl's blog. i made breakfast for her!! hahah. damn cool man! and i enjoyed doing it, don't know why? hahahha. and the rose that u've seen in her blog. seriousy it literally went thru hell and came back to life again. haha. andrew witnessed it. but nonetheless, gave it to her and yep. thru that rose, all hurts and sins are washed away. wahahahahhahahah! seriously, sounds like Jesus eh? the rose and Jesus, both made the same differences in our lives. Jesus did the difference in our individual lives, and the rose did it in our r/s. okay, back to her. i realised that friends are very impt in a r/s. u know sometimes, when u haf some problems wif ur bf, u'll hafta let it out? and that person whom she lets it out is very impt, coz basically, if whatever she says to the person doesn't come back to the bf whom she had difficulties telling, it'll be bad for the bf as well as her right? so, i'm damn fortunate that i haf a friend whom she knows as well, to filter whatever she tells him and then he'll translate into a guy's perception to tell me what is she exactly feeling. was damn happy to see that both of them becoming REAL friends and not bickery friends [though they still do, but in the name of fun]. happy man. last time i didn't haf that oppotunity that much, coz she'll share whatever she feels to a friend who don't even know how i look like, or worst to somebody that i had bad impressions towards. haha, those were the days lah. but now, she'll still share wif her own friends who don't even know me, but she shared things that are not meant for me to know. and those that really affects her but she really haf no idea on how to tell me without having the both of us to flare up, she'll tell OUR friend, who knows exactly how to put it across to me. even if i still flare up, it wouldn't be as bad as how i'll flared up in her face. yep! so lovebirds out there, try to get a friend who knows the both of u pretty well and who's trustable to help u translate, it helps [alot in fact].

okay, my attachment and major project. some of u know that i'll be doing my major project during my attachment. okay, i know what project i'm working on already. basically, we'll[team of 3] hafta make a 6-legged robot from scratch to run along dis track, up and down obstacles. and for it to be a good robot, it must be quick in the finishing the track. it must also be stable in their movements. yeah, looking forward to dis project alot. hopefully we can get an A for dis project and at the end of the whole project, we'll get into EPS[engineering project show]. yep! that'll greatly enhance my disgustng cert of 'F's. haha.

okay, hope u've enjoyed reading dis entry. lesmong, out.

*fortunate to haf u as a friend. and fortunate to haf u as the most beautiful girl in my life.*


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