Thursday, April 14, 2005

11th april.

oh well, my highly anticipated day had just became history. a day that marks a yr to our stormy r/s. haha. many of my fans out there will noe. haha. oh well, we've been thru it. u name it, we've been in it. haha. okay, 11th April 2005, started with my driving practical and a helluva suey day. andrew can second me on that. we went running around for a present, coz the present i planned to buy, no more stock! yah, so we decided to like go cut hair as well, since i've decided on going Topshop after that. we took a bus to roxy square, and "fortunately" jeomil [hair saloon] was closed. dammit, and it was raining. we went around like dogs trying to find a cheap and decent saloon. can u imagine, supposed to meet her at 7.30pm in NUS, and i haven't got present, no hair cut, not changed and its raining at 4.30pm. so we decided to go parkway to check out saloons as well as a present, and we chanced upon dis sweater at Esprit. but i didn't think of getting it, coz of the budget. and furthermore she got so many sweaters and pullovers already. so we carried on walking [in vain]. andrew's such a pain man! bringing him out is so damn troublesome. hahaha. [no offence man, bro.] one minute, he's hungry, and urgent the other. and i'm rushing for time, too many things going thru my mind. haha. so in the end, i gave up the chase and got the sweater. but at the point that i bought it, i knew she'll like it. and it'll look good on her. somehow lah, got dis feeling. den she suddenly called and said "eh, i don't think i'm going for the last lecture, so can meet earlier." i was like "wah wah, siao liao!" haha. so i told her, "we'll meet at 7 at dhoby ghaut, coz i'm not ready yet." yah, she didn't sound quite happy lah, but no time for pursuing the matter. haha.

okay, so i went home to change and get ready without a haircut. yah, and i smsed her that i'll only be able to meet her at dhoby ghaut at 7.30 instead of 7. and i continued to rush and everntually i reached dhoby ghaut at 7. so i thought like, go check out he glass house and see if its crowded, coz reservations for tables after 7.30 wasn't allowed. yah, and it seemed pretty okay, need not wait. so i walked to GV at PS and bought tickets to "Spanglish". was in a dilemna for quite a while between "The Wedding Date" and "Spanglish". One's appropriate, the other anticipated by her for a long time already. so i thought if dis night's for her, who cares about being appropriate, so i bought "Spanglish"!!! haha. yep, done wif all these chores, i waited for her at the bus stop as planned. and when i saw her, in that green top. GORGEOUS! that's all in my mind. yep, so we went to the glass house and had our dinner there. we had to wait if we want tables inside for like 15 mins. so she decided to seat outside, and cut those waiting time. yep. she had Fish & Chips, i had Black Pepper Stingray. was fantabulous! and we exchanged presents there. tell u, the happiness thing that brightens up the whole night is not the programs lined up, but the smile that u know is genuine. it just warms my heart. okay, now for my present!! haha, she gave me her cjc tee, which i've been bugging her for a long time! haha. and the coolest part is that she sewed "love, cheryl" at the bottom seam. its like a big blue love letter to me. really liked it alot! the sweet part is that she took 4 painstaking hours to sew, though its just 9 letters, plus a comma 10. but its the heart of perfection man! really. coolest present ever!

yep, after dinner. we had an hr to bum around before the commencement of the movie. we went to snap lotsa shots outside some place lah. haha. not too sure what it exactly is. and yah, we only agreed that only 1 shot was nice out of the many many. haha. but nonetheless, we were elated. haha. den we slowly walk to PS for the show. "Spanglish" is really good. the dilemna of a foreigner, who's torn apart by the death of her husband. aiyah, go watch it urself lah! the movie's 2hrs+ btw. yah, and then, we made our way to Meritus Mandarin by foot. haha. and the whole way, she was asking me, where are we going. so after some time, i pointed to her "there, we're going there." den she was like "huh?! do what?" den i cheekly told, "siao, go hotel still can do what?" okay, the conversation goes like that :

Cheryl: Really meh? siao! very ex leh.
Desmond: Aiyah, first yr leh.
Cheryl: Huh? Really ar?
Desmond: Aiyah, stop asking lah.

haha. so we went into the lobby. her face still stunned. haha. wanted to go 39 floor, but the lift only serve until 36. so we took another one, which serves 39. haha. den she said "siao! still book so high one ar? how much u spend sial.". den i said "penthouse suite. don't tell u the price. where got bf tell gf the price of what he spend on wan?" haha. so we went all the way up, and when the life door opens. we were in awe. the scenery was like "woah......" haha. den she "idiot!! bluff me again!! but the scenery really very nice leh." so i walked to the counter and the staff politely and happily said "Sorry, we're closed!". wah, i tell u ar, i really ultimate demoralised sial. the highlight of the night, ruined coz of that unpredicted length of "Spanglish". wah, sianz to the max sial. but she was really sweet, and kept saying "nvm abt the plan lah, what matters is the heart, at least we get to see the scenery mah." i was slightly moved lah, by her words. yep. so, we went down and stood outside the hotel, and deciding where to go. in the end, we decided on swensens instead of ally's bar. yep. and we ate there lor. had "waffle dream". haha. yep. that closed the historical night.

*the special "she" in the whole post is none other than Cheryl, my miracle*


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