Thursday, October 22, 2009


sometime dis wk,
drusilla asked me dis intriguing qn.
"why must we bear the consequences
that adam and eve made?"

honestly, i was taken aback for quite a while.
but thank God,
that He spoke to her through me.
and from dis, i've learnt a great deal too..

even i myself ask,
why must i bear the consequences of others?
in army, i was a specialist.
and according to the hierachy, i'm to take care of a section.

and those who know me then,
would know that i've a bunch of 'hokkien pengs'.
they are uneducated, gangsters, and loves to stir trouble..
i wasn't spared of their 'childlike character'.

and so, on many occasions,
i had to be punished for their mistakes and folly!
they fight in the canteen,
i had to be confined during the weekend.

and the reason?
failure to ensure order and discipline.
was i really in the wrong,
up till today, i don't know.

but through dis,
i too, learnt a huge lesson.
it taught me to be stricter on them,
even if it means to make enemies..

a weekend in camp,
was too much of a sacrifice.
a payment too hefty for someone else's fault.
an atonement too grave for being soft-hearted..

and even until today,
no matter how much i disagree wif that form of 'teaching',
i adhered by it even in my personal life.
i place punishments on myself if my siblings were to go overboard.

so back to the question.
honestly, how would you haf answered her?
i was stumped by the implications that might ensue
after telling her the ans.

but nonetheless,
dis was what i told her.
and i can dare say it wasn't culminated in my head.
it was advised by Him.

"that was because we're biased in our questioning.
it is abt accepting our 'family name'
abt being part of dis family.
both for the better or worse.

will we ask "why do we inherit whatever our parents earned?"
would we ask "why do my parents give me a place to stay?"
so then,
why do we ask "why must we bear our forefathers' consequences?""

it is a package which cannot be sieved through.
we cannot choose to accept what we like,
and disown the parts we don't like.
den that isn't 'acceptance', but bargain..

even in a r/s,
we humans tend to look for the best buy, don't we?
we're often drawn by what we like abt that person,
and then conclude that he/she's not my type because of a flaw.

i rmb v clearly in the past,
ps aaron told me dis,
"the only person you think is perfect for you,
is often the person you see in the mirror."

is there really 'the one' for us?
there was once somebody told me dis.
"if there is such a thing as 'the one',
den all it takes is just one person to disobey to screw it all up."

is there really a person out there whom we're made for?
or is there 'the one' lesson that we all ought to learn.
which is none other than acceptance.
love entails loads of acceptance..

and acceptance can only come,
when you do not think you're better than the other.
love our neighbour as ourselves,
do we accept them for who they are in the first place?

so we bear the consequences adam and eve made,
together wif the blessings of being in a family,
or even in a human race!
we're all individuals together.


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