Monday, October 19, 2009

King Father or Father King?

in ancient china, for princes or princesses
who're blood related to the king,
they'll address him as 'huang ah ma',
which literally translates to King Father.

in thailand, even till dis day,
all princes and princesses who're blood related,
call their father, king.
and bow like any other royal subjects in the palace.

but interesting to note,
among the many children that the king usually has,
there is always one heir.
some call him crown prince, some call him heir.

in the bible,
Jesus is often revered as heir of the Most High King.
or one and only Son of the Heavenly Father.
it is undisputed that Jesus is part of the holy Trinity..

but what about us?
saints who are graciously called by the Most High King,
and lovingly spoken of by the Heavenly King,
are we royalty as well?

i watched 'anna and the king' over the weekend,
and it once again showed the 'immunity' royal children have.
that a little girl of barely 5 years of age,
has such an authority around her that subjects had to bow as she runs!

and she ran straight into the court,
where her father was having a meeting wif French consuls.
she did not knock on the door,
she did not bow or run backwards..

all she did was used her tiny hands
and pushed through the huge door by herself.
and ran right into her father's lap,
and whispered sweet nothings to her 'king'.

flashback to the starting of the show,
where a british lady, named anna,
barged into the court of the monarch
and demanded an audience wif the king.

king mongkut replied in anger yet patience,
"doesn't dis woman, know anything of protocol?"
but of coz as the story goes,
she was pardoned and in fact got quite influential in the palace.

but note the difference?
a royalty, and a subject.
royalty, did not do anything to earn an audience.
subject, did everything just to get a glimpse of majesty.

so who is God to us?
esp when the bible has so many 'impressions' or 'titles' for God.
do we see Him as a loving Father who is powerful yet tolerant,
or a king who is only powerful and we obey out of fear..

but having said all these,
pls do not get me wrong that we can 'disrespect' God,
or tarnish any protocol.
not having the need to meet God wif utmost reverence.

God surely isn't a god of many different personalities,
God surely isn't just a loving Father,
God surely isn't just a powerful King,
God is everything we know, and more..

some might refute or whine,
"aiya, he's at it again. is it really impt?"
well, it is to me.
or at least, that is where i know my identity in Christ lies..

if we do not know who our president personally,
would we just type a scrappy letter?
likewise, if we know the president personally,
would we then type a scrappy letter?

i guess its been quite a tussle for me for a while now,
some advised me that different situation calls for different 'modes of communication'.
so then, who am i really to God, or the Heavenly Father?

if i'm not the child of God,
why do i call Him Heavenly Father.
and if i'm the child of God,
why do i still hafta 'work' for a place in Heaven?

the ans that i quote from '',
salvation is definitely 100% God,
and 0% effort from man.
simply coz man are not even worthy to start from ground zero.

we started off as sinners right from birth.
how could we then be even qualified to 'earn' a place in Heaven?
we've been 'given' a place in Heaven,
because God, the Heavenly King AND Father loves us.

but does that also mean that we can squander our 'privileged right'?
by no means!
those who do not know and sinned, are ignorant.
those who knew and sinned, are blatant.

so after all these,
can i safely conclude that our r/s wif God,
is not by our choice by by His?
and it is our decision to keep it or squander it?

if so, den by 'working out' our salvation
isn't exactly a means to get to Heaven,
so that we could claim credit at the end of it.
it simply means out of love and reverence, we work it out!

often we try to 'work' so hard wif our own strength,
in hope to please God.
and in the midst of 'working',
we forget that we're 'children of God'!

one of the scenes in 'anna and the king' was also depicted
that the royal children are to put up a 'skit' for the king.
but in the end, the skit screwed up,
and the 'crown prince' chulalongkorn was dejected.

thinking that the king wouldn't be proud of him anymore,
but as we all know.
the king was still as pleased as he would be,
regardless of how the skit would turn out.

likewise, we can put on our best show,
but nvr ever fall into self-pity simply coz of human error.
don't let the devil haf a foothold in our 'tainted birth right'.
but rather, claim the promise that God chose to love us!

screwing up isn't gonna change the fact
that we're 'children of the Most High King'.
so long as we don't allow pride to seep in,
continue to yearn more for God in our lives!

when our parents give us a gift,
we cannot reject it.
but what we can do is either to
treasure it, or to throw it away..

likewise, our salvation in Christ' Heavenly Kingdom.
it is a gift.
but it is not a guaranteed free-entry.
the foundation (the cross) has been laid, are we building on it?


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