Friday, October 09, 2009


since i'm working in an international firm,
its often interesting to hear 'first impressions'
from foreigners..
these are some that i heard recently.

deputy registrar from china: are you local, desmond?
des: err, ya?
DR: oh, i figured. coz at first, i thought you were korean
until i heard you speak on a few occasions.

assistant counsel from philippines: i like des' fri outfits.
it seems very british!

assistant counsel from indonesia: do you know i thought you're gay?

des: what?!
ac: i thought singaporean guys who dresses well are usually gay!

it is comforting to know that God knows your heart,
beyond your looks and exterior.
comforting esp when you're misunderstood,
misinterpreted, and misconstrued.

but it is equally scary to know,
that God knows your heart beyond looks and exterior.
scary esp when you're hiding something to men,
hiding your dirty linen.

but regardless of how we feel,
it doesn't change the fact that God's all-knowing.
it doesn't change the fact that despite Him knowing all,
He still loves us the same..

how nice would it be if justices and magistrates these days,
are given the power to see beyond oral and written statements,
look right into their hearts and see their intent.
would we still need lawyers by then?

but of coz,
having said that, nothing can change the fact
that there's only one powerful God.
and that's the God, our Father!

once again i look upon the cross where You died,
i'm humbled by Your mercy and i'm broken inside.
once again i thank You,
once again i pour out my life..


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