Tuesday, September 22, 2009


For we walk by faith, not by sight.

- 2 Corinthians 5:7

round and abt 5 yrs ago,
i rmb asking one of the church aunties,
des: does walking by faith means walking blindly?
i can't rmb her ans though..

maybe i was more interested in 'testing' her,
than to really seek an ans.
that could probably explain why
i couldn't rmb her ans more than the question i posed!

in any case,
my point is isn't to show how rebelliously inquisitve
a teen i was..
it was a genuine qn, that i sorta figured out by now.

is walking by faith simply walking blindly?
i would say not.
faith is something in which we believe in,
despite us not being able to see or explain it..

whereas walking blindly is more likely than not,
doing things on impulse, unmeditated.
"aiya, do alr den say."
that's walking blindly..

if we walk blindly,
we do not know where will our actions bring us.
but if we walk by faith,
we believe wif all confidence that we're gonna get there!

walking by faith is really not easy.
it is not a skill set to master,
nor is it an enlightenment to attain.
it is an advice, from the Teacher..

we can choose to heed it,
or we can choose to deny it.
in its context,
it was an encouragement, words of affirmation to the corinthians.

and even to us in today's context.
we ought to be prudent in our faith..
walk by faith, not blindly!
there is a thin line btw faith and gamble.

only when we're found to be truly rooted in His word,
that we can exude the confidence required by faith!
only when we're found related wif God,
that we can haf the confidence to rely on Him!

in corinthians, we're advised to walk while seeing
rather than walk after seeing.
we've to walk, before we can see the next scenery.
and not walk upon seeing the next scenery..

so let us continue to take meditated bold steps,
to see that the Lord is good and wif us!
and not be afraid and doubtful
that we only move when we see God's hand.


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