Friday, August 28, 2009


when i came home,
my mum asked me candidly..
"hello, you're back?
eh, your bday coming leh. what you want?"

i just shrugged and said,
"don't know leh. no need anything la, really."
and then i went back to my room.
but it got me thinking until now..

what do i want?
what do i really want?
can i really haf what i want?
can it even be a gift?

and i sincerely asked myself what i want..
its funny how the first things that came to my mind,
weren't a honda integra and an eeepc.
those were among the last few more 'normal' wishlist items.

what i really want are these:
  1. my sister to be able to get into a scheduled uni
  2. my brother to get into a good sec sch
  3. me to get into smu after unisim
  4. for HOF to grow not only in numbers but in spirit
  5. me to be understood, if not, at least not being maligned
  6. me to express myself effectively and not stumble others
  7. that being a christian be easier
  8. friends who understand and not judge me
  9. friends who give me space, but not leave me alone
can all these really be given?


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