Monday, September 14, 2009


again, i've slipped into my comfort zone
a tad too comfortable dis time..
just embarking on daily routines,
and pissing myself off at the slightest bit.

its funny how i always had dis lil tingly feeling in me
all these while.
that kinda whispers,
"do qt, pray, read the bible."

but i so conveniently chucked them aside,
shouting out in my head.
"ha! i know you can't do anything to me, thing!"
and carry on doing what i am doing..

but as the days go by,
i can literally feel my brain getting wasted.
my mind has turned into a more criticising matter
than a productive one!

for the past few weeks,
i'd been struggling so hard within my skin,
to control my temper,
to not get so easily irked up.

and i got so frustrated and pissed at myself for being like that.
hence, that explains the lack of posts and inspiration..
those who'd been hanging out wif me often enough,
would realise that i seem to haf changed.

and so ytd, i decided to put all else aside at abt 10.30pm.
i just lied on my bed,
facing the ceiling and my limbs forming a 'da'.
i got so sick and tired of myself..

and so for the first time in weeks,
i uttered aloud,
"Lord Father, please take me back?"
that's all..

and suddenly i felt a surge of peace and joy in me again!
suddenly, all of my commitments and burdens
seem to be lifted away.
most imptly of all, i feel refreshed again!

how awesome is our God, isn't He?
when you feel so lousy and tired abt ourselves,
He nvr sleeps, He nvr slumbers,
when we are weak, He becomes stronger!

it is really true.
nvr ignore the Holy Spirit!
nvr think so highly of yourself,
that you do not need God in your life, coz you do!

and how apt is it to quote,
a hungry soul is an angry soul.
i'd been so comfortable wif not reading the bible,
so comfortable wif not praying aloud.

and see what happens?
my soul was dry, my spirit was weak.
and naturally, the flesh reflects the parchness of my heart.
ahh, how sweet is the healing water..

for those who are find yourself drifting away,
i'm sure there are echoes in your heart and mind
reminding you to spend some time wif God,
spend some time nourishing your spirit..

my advice to you from experience,
heed it, not hide it.
as real as your flesh is,
your spirit is too!

come, Holy Spirit, fall on me now..


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