Monday, July 27, 2009


as i was making tea dis morning,
probably the 370th time in the pantry.
i was reminded 'again', of stuffs..
the fundamentals of life in materials.

as i was stirring wif a plastic stirrer,
my left tugging the string of the lipton bag,
my right clipped the stirrer and swirl in style.
ripples and currents were formed effortlessly.

suddenly, the voice of pauline seeped into my mind.
"can you just let it settle? stir later."
dis was a flashback to a cafe, i forgot where.
she just couldn't stand the sight of me stirring.

at that instance, i figured.
many times in my life i stirred..
in an attempt to brew a perfect cuppa tea.
differed from medical brew, tea has to settle!

some times i think, the more i stir,
the more even the tea would be.
the more even the sugar will be diffused into.
again, that's what i think..

but today i'm reminded,
that sometimes, i really just gotta let it settle.
let nature take its course.
let the heat do the diffusing..

and i should only come in when it is 'too settled'.
i don't know if you guys had observed before.
that if you leave a cup of tea wif milk untouched,
a layer of 'dried skin' will be formed on the top..

likewise, if we let our circumstances 'settle' for too long,
and we refuse to 'stir' it,
it will seem perfect on the outside.
and when we start to stir again, it'll not be so smooth anymore.

though the skin 'cracks' and seemingly diffused into the torrents,
but we know the bits and pieces will nvr fit into place again.
that's what happens when we idle for too long,
when 'allowing' it to settle succumb to laziness!

are there any areas in my life where it seemed 'flawless'?
are there any areas in my life where it seemed untouched?
what is holding me back from stirring it?
am i afraid that the bits and pieces will resurface after stirring?


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