Tuesday, June 08, 2010


i'm pretty stuck wif dis qn posted by ps aaron!

"Whatever cannot be proven scientifically cannot be true... Christians believe in God only because they want to believe. Is this true?"

it is tricky because faith and proof
seem to be correlated, although not causal.
seem to be essential to each other,
yet argued to be independent of each other..

can we truly say we can believe without any proof?
can faith be satiated purely based on unproven beliefs?
i know i can't,
and i know the disciples in the Gospel can't too..

so if christians are that adamant to their beliefs
simply because they're brought up wif christian teachings,
or mysteriously convicted to a happenstance.
den why for ages, scholars have been trying to prove christianity's validity?

so if validity is needed to prove credible,
can christianity or evangelism be based and depended
solely on the receivers' want to believe?
i would argue not.

oh! i think i'm getting the ans..
my ans to the question abovementioned,
would be no.
christians and non-christians need proof for beliefs!

because, firstly..
science cannot be used as the universal tool for truth.
it has been proven time and again,
that science is competent, but only to a degree.

if that basis is established wif reasons,
science therefore, cannot be given the power for polarizing truths.
secondly, it is obvious that christians are not mindless creatures,
who believe what our parents believe..

because if christians are like that,
den how do we explain the endless debates on
the validity of christian doctrines and history,
ranging from Jesus' existence to layman holy grail.

okay, maybe i might not haf the ans yet.
coz there is the other side of the argument,
where people are fed wif all the facts and reasonings they need,
but still chooses to not believe.

maybe its out of defiance,
or their personal ego issues.
but i can dare say,
for pple who choose not to believe are not looking for ans.

they're just merely challenging,
not seeking to be convinced.
however, there are still some who sincerely challenges,
to be convinced and believe wholeheartedly, convicted..

so is it prudent to draw a distinction between
belief (or blind faith) and belief (convinced through proof)?
i would guess not,
coz God didn't make us wif binary configuration.

we're not either 1, or 0.
neither are we fully emotional and illogical..
we're both.
and i'd say, it takes more than proof to prove.


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