Friday, June 04, 2010


"What is the sign of a friend? Is it that when he tells you his secret sorrows? No. It is that he tells you his secret joys."

- Oswald Chambers.

how often do we go in prayer
to tell God how happy or thrilled we are?
sadly, as i reflect upon my own prayer life,
it is often heavy-laden and request-laden..

haf i also not treated God as a friend?
and what audacity do i haf,
to even lament that He doesn't answer,
or that i feel so far from Him.

often i allow the 'humane-plea' card to trump,
"i'm only human, i'm not ready, i don't know."
but haf i really seek God
and am truly interested in what He has to say?

i guess, maybe not.
simply because i was too caught up,
too messed up within that i'm almost impervious.
all these, just a maybe.

now that the Lord has made the first step,
it is only right, for me to reciprocate..
how easily and subtly haf i taken You for granted.
oh dear Lord, would You forgive me for i was foolish.


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