Friday, March 05, 2010

hoo am i.

my sister and some of my friends
will be revealed where they stand
in the eyes of dis world,
through the man-declared yardstick of excellence.

needless to say,
in general, some crushed, others elevated.
but at dis point in time,
how many christians actually say 'my treasure's in heaven'?

true that the bible doesn't give us assurance
in hope to quash natural disappointments and distress.
the bible serves to guide us,
not make us into emotionless robots for communal living..

i, for one am not particularly talented in consoling.
but i do know, that i'm a very resourceful person..
it is almost inscribed and soldered on my motherboard,
that i look for solutions rather than emotional-quenchers.

a huge flaw of desmond hoo is that,
i find it an uphill task to console
or to be consoled, for that matter.
i guess i've pissed a few pple off coz of dis!

but looking at my strength,
i've learnt to stay clear of emotional zones
and source for alternatives or solutions at the background.
so that when he/she is ready, i can be of help!

my sister, for instance,
have been struggling wif JC life and studies.
she took an arduous 3yrs to get a slightly-below-par cert.
being her bro, i need not be too conscious abt what i say.

in my family, i've been dubbed
the guy wif the least temper and emotions.
come to think of it,
they haven't seen me cry since the last time they caned me.

i'm always known to be the guy wif solutions,
or advice, so to speak.
my dad's the Hoo's handyman,
and i'm the Hoo's candyman.

and so wif my sister's case,
i was left wif the task to convey the results
to my parents, who're not that qualified academically.
assured that i know right words to use, my sis was relieved.

i've no idea where dis post is heading,
maybe coz there're alot in my head now.
but pls pardon my rant,
maybe i'll be able to conclude somewhere..

i guess sometimes, its abt knowing who you are?
one of my greatest regrets,
is that i look to the other pasture
one too many times.

always thinking,
"if only i was there.."
"if only i can.."
"if only i was given.."

but nvr looked at who and what i was really made to be.
i almost fell into that same booby-trap dis yr..
will nvr forget how i felt when i was given a chance
to pursue a degree wif my poly gpa.

i was elated, and felt as though finally someone believed in me.
but as soon as the term began,
i started looking at other scheduled universities around.
"if only i'd haf studied harder in poly.."

realising that i was distracted by airy-fairy if onlys,
i decided to put my foot down
and do the best wherever God placed me.
and trust that He knows what He is doing!

and praise the Lord,
i manage to do pretty well in my first half of the sem!
finally getting a sense of studying all over again.
i'm poised to be focused ahead..

but at the same time reminding myself,
that regardless of what results i might get,
my self-worth is not based on the yardstick that men planted!
and i'm here to honour God in the place He brought me..

so for those of you who're struggling wif your self-worth,
or some of you who do not exactly know what you want in life,
start from your current position.
and figure out why are you there..

if its coz of your parents, peers,
or coz of socio-pressures or coercion,
den ask yourself who are you living for.
if its for God, den seek His counsel, not man's!

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
- Philippians 1:16


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