Monday, February 15, 2010

religiosity or religion?

i just alighted from an interesting cab ride
wif mark and zing.
the cab driver, a senior,
was going on abt religion to army to politics.

he was going on abt religious harmony,
and of coz, talking abt pastor rony tan's "insensitivity".
i think its the 3rd day in a row,
that i've been involved in dis topic..

but in the cab ride,
it got me wondering..
alot of devotees, including christians
tend to be v protective over what pple say abt them.

and a thought just struck my mind,
what are we defensive abt, really?
defending God, or defending christianity,
or for some, defending our face or outlook?

come to think abt it,
is God that small that He needs us to 'fight' FOR Him?
i think He'd be really happy
if we even live our lives right for Him to begin wif.

but we're always hovering around dis topic,
"all religions teach good things. all are good.
there's no need to fight.
you respect me, i respect you.."

but i realise till today,
esp christians,
tend to be very very defensive when pple talk abt them.
and always trying to 'paint' a good outlook.

in fact, most of the time
80% of the reason why some anti-christians hate christianity,
is because of how we 'act',
pretty ironic, isn't it?

what are we defending, really?
our r/s wif God, or our label of religion?
there was once a bright man who said dis,
"i do respect Jesus, but not His people."

there are some discrepancies in that line,
but i don't wish to go there.
is it abt time we look inward?
and be humble and realistic wif our r/s wif God?

being humble isn't keeping quiet,
being humble isn't agreeing wif the general crowd.
Jesus nvr needed to defend Himself or for His Father,
Jesus lived His life the way He preaches.

there's really no need for us
to upkeep a good image for christianity on the outside.
it is what happens inside that will overflow..
not paste posters of religiosity on our faces.

and if we fumble or sin,
let us be accountable to God alone.
we can't stop pple from criticizing,
but we can be humble and go before the Lord, repentant.

our kingdom is not of dis world,
we can barely keep our lives in check wif God's commission.
let us work on our lives first,
before we try to portray a whitewashed image.

oh, but i hafta agree wif the cab driver
that LKY's a really brilliant leader.
i don't hafta to be politically charged person,
to acknowledge and respect my leader for his brilliance.

but we really need to pray for him,
that the Lord will unveil his eyes
and reveal Himself to him.
may God's will be done in his life..


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