Friday, January 08, 2010

God at work.

Lord, i thank You for dis opportunity
to be able to read the devotion thru ray stedman.
in which, i've gained a lil more insight
of what Your character entails..

ray stedman beautifully puts together,
what it means to wait upon the Lord.
and apparently,
it isn't a choice, but a rule of life!

and he ensues further in his writing,
naming a couple of examples.
out of which,
i shall expound further on one of them.

it is of a farmer and his farming practice,
wherein, every farmer would know that
there are certain things he can control and work at,
certain things haf to be taken charge by nature.

at the start, the farmer would plant the seed,
although its hard work,
but that's precisely what he needs to do,
and den subsequently go back to rest, while the seed grows.

a farmer doesn't force the seed to grow,
and he doesn't worry or insist that the seed to grow instantly!
it is a process in which he submits to,
wait and trust that God is at work as the seed grows.

many of us in dis modern era,
wants things fast and immediately.
look at the technology these days,
does it even allow pockets of delay?

even in men,
pple wants change almost instantaneously.
obama for instance.
month after month, pple are re-evaluating his performance.

the world doesn't allow time for the change to be effective,
they want instant results.
they expect the fiscal conundrum to untangle quickly,
but that's just not gonna happen!

in micro-analysis on our own life,
aren't we sometimes as impatient as well?
when we commit our lives to God,
we expect an aura or hallow to be above us immediately.

and when pple sin,
we say, "how come christian can like that one meh?"
without even taking into account the gradual change
he's had from his starting point.

and in our love lives,
we often want something fast.
we like somebody and we tend to pounce on the opportunity,
defending that we might 'lose the chance'.

unfortunately, being strong advocates for the idiom,
'strike when the iron is hot'.
no, i personally don't think that's the way to go!
esp when it comes to the matters of the heart.

we've to grow wif the Lord,
and slowly, He'll reveal to us His plan.
slowly but surely, He'll provide.
we might not see it, but that doesn't mean He doesn't.

like the seed,
the farmer could be nail-biting over the night
after he planted the seed BENEATH the ground (unseen),
worrying whether the seed will grow eventually.

the seed continues to grow
even if he sleeps or wakes.
and even if the farmer oversleeps,
the seed still grows!

uncle boo once told me,
"waiting isn't passive. it is constantly proactive."
if the farmer waits and waits passively,
his laziness would coz the seed to rot away.

but if he trust and is conscientiously doing his job,
he stands to reap his toil.
that is a confirmed and proven fact..
God doesn't change His mind like we fickles do.

He is the same ytd, today and forever more.
He provided for abram, moses, david,
that same God He is,
will provide for us, only if we trust and wait upon Him.

pple say, patience is a virtue.
after today,
i'd say, patience is a command.
its the way of life..

Father, teach me how to be patient.
Lord, teach me how to wait upon You as You'd be pleased.
O God, guide my everyday for the rest of it.
Lord, take charge of my life..


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