Wednesday, December 16, 2009

king or president?

as i was washing my hands before i left for the day,
suddenly i was just pondering
the difference between a king and a president.
and which would i prefer to be, if i had a choice?

my preference would be that of a king.
coz i'm one not coz of my credentials,
not coz of what i've done or not done,
but simply coz of my birthright.

a president has to be elected,
den subsequently, constituted.
and there is a requirement criteria to adhere to.
qualifications, credentials, qualities and etc..

and the beauty of being a king or a royalty,
is that they're chosen for who they are, not what they are!
regardless of how nonsensical or young a crown prince can be,
he will still be ascended to the throne once its vacant!

and they are chosen by their birthright,
nothing in dis world can alter that.
likewise our r/s wif God.
we're chosen, not coz of what we are but who we are!

and as the song reminds,
nothing you can do, to make Him love you more
nothing that you've done, can make Him close the door.
purely because of His great love!

so the best way to be a God-fearing/loving christian,
is to be a 'child of God'.
coz a child won't seek to impress,
a child seeks for innocent intimacy!

i'm a royalty!
not of dis world, though..


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