Friday, November 20, 2009

living in the moment?

as i was talking to one of my friends,
amidst all the questioning and talks.
in fact, its been a long long time that he's been out.
so off that he strayed from the faith!

anyways, there was one thing he said,
that sparked a thought in me..
friend: i live in the moment.
des: ?!

den suddenly, i had an impulse to reply
"you know animals live in the moment?"
it was albeit harsh,
i expounded on that rebuttal, and i started to make sense!

and i further asked him,
"what do you think a chimpanzee would do,
if you gave it a million dollars in cold hard cash?"
i guess it was getting a lil more intense here.

den i went on,
"it'll probably use it in luxury to wipe its ass.
coz it was shitting at that moment.."
isn't it true?

you can't blame animals for 'being ignorant"!
firstly, they don't haf the intellect that of a human being.
and they don't haf a purpose in life!
they learn stuff coz they're forced to, not coz they want to.

sure, we can put animals through training school.
but that's for OUR benefit, not theirs..
we keep them hygenic,
coz WE don't wanna be infected by their disease.

we get them toilet-trained,
coz WE don't wanna clean up after them,
not coz of their hygiene!
isn't it?

would they wanna seek higher 'training' to improve themselves?
i dare bet if they had a human brain,
they might very well lament that,
"i don't even haf a soul, nothing happens after i die!"

but as humans, we tend to be 'living in the moment.'..
coz the reality of planning and experiencing
are just too harsh for us to gestate!

and more often than not,
we just wanna run away somewhere.
either to restart our lives, in hope of a clean slate
or to just live in denial, in a bid for a slightly happier lifestyle!

but believe it or not,
wherever we go, whatever mistakes we made.
it is not out there to get us down,
but to help us identify its hurts, so that we can be prepared!

and we often prepare ourselves,
coz we know we're not just accidental occurences,
but we're creations of purpose!
to be a creation, there must be a reason for it.

pple don't create a home just coz they feel like it.
they create it, so that it is somewhere they find comfort in.
even if they create it to look good or as a job,
it is still a reason to create!

and our Creator went a step further than other creators.
He fearfully and wonderfully created us..
in other words, He put lotsa thought and contemplation to it!
He wants the best for us.

although among all the hurts and disappointments,
it is pretty hard to believe or to be convinced
that God created us to love us
and not to find joy in torturing us!

but hey, living in the moment is just not our thing.
we're not made to live in the moment!
snap back and face the truth,


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