Monday, November 23, 2009


there was a huge untidy pile of papers lying in front of me,
because of my tidy-complex,
i had no choice but to pack it up,
instead of turning a blind eye..

and being a lil too ambitious over myself,
i just picked the whole pile up,
and tried to tap them on the table,
to get the whole pile lined up.

but yeah, it was kinda impossible.
papers were having different bearings altogether!
so i heaved a subtle sigh
and submitted to the nature of physics..

but i was thinking,
isn't the way we sometimes handle our flaws, the same?
ever felt before,
that one fine day, you just decide to sit down and evaluate on life.

and inevitably conclude that you're sucha flawed being.
wif so many bad habits, complexes and even regrets.
yet, out of frustration and 'perfection mentality',
we try in futility, to sort of the dirty linen all at once.

when God showed us time and again,
even if its not in the bible or any literature.
the nature is a very evident hint of who God is..
He is definitely not abrupt.

i myself, am a fond and avid reader on geography.
and through and through, i've realised the beauty of
'letting nature take its course'
how volcanoes and continents are formed.

likewise, as much as a flower or even wildlife takes time to grow,
there is a season for everything.
and sorting out differences isn't as easy and convenient as
taking out a piece of paper and form a checklist to tick from!

it takes time for the knots to untangle,
it takes experience for the process of untanglement.
and we find that skipping a step of that due to impatience
will force us to bear the brunt thereafter..

like the famous story,
where a boy tried to pull the butterfly out of its cocoon
after seeing it struggle to come out and fly,
out of goodwill, he assisted or rather, disrupted the process.

wif a tug, the butterfly's out.
but it couldn't fly coz the wings are not strong enough!
so in the end,
the butterfly became a handicap for life.

because the 'struggling-to-come-out-of-cocoon' process
was intended to strengthen its wings to prepare for flight!
if we skip that 'painful ordeal' or learning process,
we find ourselves handicapped to the similar situation next time.

so i've been reminded again,
to be patient. and take the learning process in stride!
sometimes we need to sort a whole pile of papers bit by bit,
sometimes we've to endure the struggling process.

in order for us to be who God intend for us to be..


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