Tuesday, December 29, 2009


caught avatar wif marisha today.
got me thinking for a lil while..
though nothing substantive,
but overall, i think the graphics are awesome!

it got me thinking,
what is truly real?
is it the life we're in now,
or the life in heaven..

for we all know or at least, believe that
when we pass on, we'll go to somewhere else from earth.
be it hell or heaven,
its definitely not on earth.

so which is more real?
a life or body that we can feel pain and joy in,
or a life that we've yet to see.
which is real?

it sounds like the afterlife is more real,
coz technically speaking,
we'll spend a longer time in that form than in dis.
so that must be more real right?

and being a sound debater,
one should not base truth purely on science or sight..
sometimes logic need not be scientific,
it just needs a lil sense in that situation.

and like jake in 'avatar',
sometimes we tend to be too comfortable in our temporal life.
that we end up wondering,
which is the real deal.

watching avatar got me refocused,
that my life on earth is temporal.
even if its a life of mistakes and regrets,
it'll just be that arduous 80yrs max.

what's more impt is to focus on what's real.
our pains are real, so is God's faithfulness.
our joy are real, so is God's love.
our faith is real, so is the Creator of reality.


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