Saturday, February 06, 2010

caught up.

its been so long..
i've really been wanting to blog,
but couldn't find the time to.
its sad that studies become a distraction from God now..

today, when i was on my way home
in the hot humid sickening weather.
many thoughts hovered in my fatigued mind,
but i only want to grasp the key point.

"its nvr good enough.
studying is nvr enough.."
those were my rhetoric,
and i took a few more steps..

"its abt time i let God define 'enough'."

what am i chasing after?
am i like a prisoner taking his first whiff of freedom,
or yet another paper chaser?
sadly, i think i'm both.

today mj and i were sharing
how studies can sometimes take away our focus from God.
after so much reading the entire day,
we've to turn to yet another reading for QT.

and even when we pray,
we'll be constantly thinking abt our essays.
instead of focusing on God,
we focus on papers..

ahh, great awakening.
i wanna apologise to all my friends whom i've neglected.
i ask that you guys would give me some time to adjust,
been 3 yrs since i studied!

Lord, i ask that You'll forgive me as well.
for being like the world,
always in the chase of nothing.
Father, restore my 'dying land'..


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