Wednesday, July 29, 2009


its been while over a year,
since i'm thrusted into the working sphere.
heard one too many complaints
about how the working world is shrewd..

i still rmb when i was in sch,
clad in school uniform.
used to be 5 1/2 day week for me.
teachers and parents quizzing me on what i wanna be.

the picture or impression i had of professions,
haf seemingly been tainted ever since i'm in the workforce.
or has it been that i was too naive,
when i was young.

had the teachers in sch been painting picture-perfects,
that when graduates go out to work,
they get a culture shock
and look upon a wishing star, hoping to go back to sch.

or had the working world been always dis 'dirty'?
always been waiting for the green horns to come in,
so that they can swallow them up,
to gain higher social standings..

i can't help but picture an imagery of hades.
where long time demons waiting at the gates of hell,
ready to pounce on the souls of the 'newly-dead',
so that they can suck in their souls to magnify their powers.

i was talking to one of my friends,
who really aspired to be a nurse.
she studied for it,
aiming to do well, so that she can serve the needy at her best.

its only been less than 6 mths,
that she's been into her 'ambition'
by now, the pure intention to help the needy
seem so muddy and foggy..

dragging her feet to work day after day,
barely had enough happiness to influence the patients.
the cause of dis dread is more than obvious,
what i'd term it as 'DEvouring MONSters'.

drained and sucked dry by her superiors,
and even colleagues of the same 'rank'.
backstabbing, malignation, gossips.
all these uncalled for blackholes..

it is funny how 'seasoned adults',
who'd been in the working world for a long time by now
survived dis ordeal.
maybe they'd learnt from the past, and now its their turn to pounce?

i rmb in the army,
when we just became sergeants,
the older batch of sergeants will throw everything to us,
we were like their offload-trolley in a long long time.

and my colleagues were telling me then,
"the next batch of sergeants come,
they're gonna get even more from me."
dis is like a vicious cycle, more vicious than each previous.

the worse part is,
unlike church setting, there is a mentor.
in dis case, you're nothing but their 'saviour'
who finally came and they can offload whatever they've on you!

and when you tell them of your 'grievances',
they'd capitalise on the opportunity to pile you wif more work,
and say, "so and so is not competent enough"
during any given board meeting.

so there you go,
off to pack your boxes and leave.
thinking to yourself,
what am i really here for..

schools should focus on work ethics,
as much as they focus on their specialisation, shouldn't it?
so what if you've great litigating skills, or operating skills,
when it comes to people management, its a different ball game!

its appalling and at the same time, sad.
to know that most of the time,
pple are tired of their jobs, not because of what they do,
but what others do to them!

ahh, disgusting.
i can't wait for my stint here to be over.
or maybe,
i might even be fired in no time! whatever.


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