Wednesday, May 27, 2009


there was a guy,
who was brought up in a home
where love and affection wasn't expressed verbally.
where sorrys and thank yous nvr existed..

it was a home the boy used to hate going back to,
coz it was a culture where
whoever speaks louder wins.
somehow, he didn't fit in.

along the years,
he struggled inside him.
knowing there was much more to humanity
than just getting by..

somehow, he wasn't nurtured to be hard-hearted.
but on the contrary, he'd grown a soft-heart in him.
along the years of maturing and growing,
he seen beyond vulgarities, fights and whatever sorts..

he didn't know Jesus then,
he just heard of Him..
but even during the times when he heard of the apparent Lord,
he was alr soft hearted to begin wif.

he showed kindness to pple around him,
he showed 'love' to anybody whom he encounters wif.
coz he didn't like the way his father exemplified tyranny,
he did the 'gandhi' approach.

along the years, it was a happy ending.
where he accepted Christ and started serving in church.
sometimes fervent, sometimes out of obligations..
but he nvr ceased his service.

he trudged on and on,
and still doing what he believed in.
he showed kindness to pple around him,
he showed love to pple around him.

but there seemed to be a paradigm-shift.
in the past, where he was soaked in the secular world..
pple noticed the glow in him,
that he is a kind hearted boy, a polite and respectful chap.

but in the place where he learned the christian 'morals' and 'ethics',
he was advised not to 'splurge' his 'love' around,
especially to girls..
he was confused.

so now, loving has conditions.
if its a girl, younger than him, single,
he's supposed to stay away from him,
because 'showing love' was somewhat natural to him.

he felt that it was a lil odd,
but he obliged, because it was not in him to challenge,
furthermore, an authority whom he duly respects..
but that did not stop him from searching the ans.

along the way,
he became 'careful' in the way he speaks to diff pple.
the mask had to be changed as and when it calls for.
he was tired, for not being able to be himself..

Jesus said too,
that it was in His native hometown village,
where He was rejected most.
it was unfathomable, but awfully true.

when pple or things get too familiar,
it becomes much more easier to take it for granted huh?
even if it is something that stems from a good intention.
somehow, it can turn out to be something as bad as they want it to be.

Jesus was performing miracles,
showing the pple what true love really was.
but the pharisees, sadducees, zealots and common men
were sceptical, and rejected him, and eventually put Him on the cross.

why is that so?
why does someone, who simply wants to do good,
be all the more judged, all the more rejected?
why of all places, the place where he grew up in?

so as the boy was searching and searching,
he came across dis book.
where we don't choose who to love,
we just love.

be it enemies,
be it unlovelies,
be it potential girlfriends or boyfriends,
be it parents.

we ought to love them all, the same.
no matter how pple judge you,
which will happen,
stay true to yourself and to the God who made you dis way.

as long as your conscience are clear,
as long as you're doing what the Lord tells you to do.
don't stop doing it,
even if men calls you 'a blaspheme'..

we all know in dis perversed lifetime,
we can't pleased everybody.
that is why it is put forth in the bible,
to please and live for God and God alone.

it is tiring,
but the bible didn't promise that it's not.
it is discouraging,
but the bible promised that He'll see you through.

to those who'd been maligned for doing good,
to those who'd been hated for 'being nice',
to those who'd been labelled as 'hypocrite',
rmb, for God, not forget.

press on, to be who you are.
for we stand judge before our Master,
who will one day return to ask us,
"what did you do to the talents i gave you?"


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