Thursday, May 21, 2009


i met dennis (BMT friend)
for lunch today at suntec.
amidst the crowded foodcourt,
it was something different today..

there are a couple of exhibitions and conferences
over at suntec dis week.
and dennis was involved in one of them.
manning the booth for his semi-conductor company..

and as we were looking for seats,
tables without the tissue packets.
we saw a table for 4,
but only 2 packets of tissue were there!

so wif the very little time,
and the increasingly empty (oxymoron) stomachs,
we decided to take our chance
and pounce on the table like corporate savages..

so we set our sight and we moved in,
standing around, making sure no commotions were stirred.
we soon noticed a pair of foreign eyes looking at us,
they were japanese..

as i mentioned earlier,
there were conferences and exhibitions.
naturally, foreign investors and advocates will flock in.
dis time, we're in luck. japanese!

dis pair of opp gender nippon,
were queueing up for their food.
and i could sense that they felt threatened.
part of me knew they were the occupants on the seats.

den dennis wittingly said,
dennis: japanese also chope seats wif tissue one meh?
des: maybe they googled on s'pore culture before landing?
dennis: if its theirs, i'll be damn impressed.

and so being buddies in green uniform in the past,
we decided to be tactical and tactful abt it.
des: eh dennis, you go get food first.
i'll eat whatever you eat except seafood..

and den as dennis strafted away in the packed foodcourt,
i smiled at them and asked,
"are you all sitting here as well?"
the girl looked at me and bowed her head..

not in agreement but in shyness!
she looked to her male counterpart,
and my smile became narrower.
i thought they couldn't understand me well.

so i pointed to the tissue packets and signalled,
a 'peace' sign, and mouthed "two?"
that guy just nodded in ultimate shyness.
he was so intimidated by me!

so i felt really bad,
and i walked up to them real close.
"ermm excuse me,
can me? and my friend? can my friend and i sit there? two."

so he just gestured,
"go ahead", and bowing profusely saying,
"please please.. go go please."
so i smiled and bowed back profusely and sat down.

their queue were longer than ours,
and dennis came back wif our hunt.
we began eating and chatting and when i was abt to finish,
the japs came wif theirs.

i tell you,
the girl was so so so so courteous and pretty man!
typical jap girl you see on tv la!
and throughout the meal, the both of them didn't talk much.

so i cheekily looked at dennis and asked,
des: eh, you think the 2 homosapiens on our adjacent
know each other v well? or just colleagues?
den right.

dennis: *smiles cheekily* i think that guy wanted to know her,
but his plans got foiled coz of the 2 adjacent homosapiens of theirs.
so we broke out in laughter,
but we're assured that the nippons didn't understand us!

and that really reminded me of my 'never-coming-true' fantasies.
i'm not sure if i'd told any of you these before.
but eversince from young,
or when i could even start to think on my own..

i always wished i was a royalty.
and i used to admire the british monarchy,
the thai monarchy etc.
read abt them, research on them..

apart from 'knowing' that i'm a royal son of the most high King,
i really would like to feel how being a prince feels like.
my fantasy is not to wanna be the king,
i wanna be the prince! next in the line for the throne.

and i always dreamed that one day,
some letter of royal invitation would come to me,
informing me that i was their long lost heir.
asking me if i wanna go back to the palace..

and that my parents were appointed by the king (my real dad)
to give me a 'normal life',
learn the ways of humility and secular struggles
before getting subpoenaed by the royal palace.

but that letter nvr came,
i'm still a hoo..
and my roots were blurred,
i know i'm from some hainanese continent if i'm not mistaken.

yeah anyways,
that was one of my lofty fantasy that i'll haf once in a while.
even until today!
how unrealistic a man can be..

another one is that i'm a japanese samurai,
and i'm not the warlord kind.
rather, i'm the 'trainer' for samurais..
where i equip budding samurais wif war attributes!

and i work 9-6 working hours.
after training, i'd go home to be super pretty wife.
she in her cloks, taking super small steps.
dressed in a legitimately oversized kimono.

the best part is that,
her hair is so perfectly coiffed up.
and her asking me how was my day out in school,
in such a demure and polite manner.

and after dinner,
we'd break out of the chauvinistic medieval jap culture.
where my wife and i would take a walk
around the outskirt of the 'closed up' japan..

ahh, how romantic.
BUT! its nvr gonna happen!
firstly, jap girls these days don't dress in kimonos anymore.
and secondly, samurais don't exist no more! grr.

so yeah, these are 2 of my more prominent fantasies.
oh well, i just snapped back to reality as i regained 'consciouness',
wif files in front of me,
and my 'far-from-samurai-suit' that i'm donned in.



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