Wednesday, May 20, 2009


"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what happens to you."
1 Peter 5:7

it was wif pain,
at the same time, joy.
that wif such a weird combustion of feelings in my heart,
God spoke to me once again, so ever clearly..

it is easy to say we should cast our worries unto Him,
for He will see us through His perfect plan.
but haf i really casted my worries to Him?
or did i just merely constantly pray abt it to remind myself i should?

the patterns of our prayer each night,
tells us so clearly our heart-condition.
we don't even hafta pray it aloud,
we just know what stirs within our hearts, don't we?

are we supposed to just give it to Him,
and nvr to think abt it again?
or are we supposed to cast our cares to Him
and be tenacious in our prayer petitions?

if it was the former,
den what then does it mean
when Peter says to GIVE all our worries to Him?
why give?

when we give something to someone,
do we still hold on to it?
when we give a present to someone,
do we keep some parts of it?

those are tangible things that we hold on to,
some might refute.
let's talk abt matters pertaining to feelings and emotions,
do we hold on to it?

let's say we used to say
"i wanna give you happiness"
how many times we keep the happiness
in hope that its reciprocal?

when we give,
shouldn't it be giving wif no intentions of 'investment'?
was dis why Jesus loved us unconditionally?
coz He simply GAVE?

if its the latter from the abovementioned,
are we supposed to cast our cares to Him
and be tenacious in our prayer petitions?
wouldn't that be an act of lacklustre faith?

when we use the term,
"CAST our burdens to Him",
more often than not,
i'll haf the imagery of a fisherman formed in my head.

when they cast their nets,
do they not hold on to the tail end of it?
so that at the end of it all,
they can reel in to see what haf they got..

whereas when you throw your nets,
it is just basically throwing away something.
throwing without any strings attached..
like throwing a stone.

once its thrown,
its gone!
so which of the above is applicable
in our prayer life?

to GIVE, as used in the 'NLT' version,
or to CAST, as used in the 'NIV' version?
anybody who knows greek or hebrew,
can help me out here?

Lord, may You clarify my thoughts.
most imptly, may i love You for who You are.
my desires and worries ain't impt anymore,
coz i've come to realise they're not eternal, but You are..


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