Thursday, May 14, 2009


we can say we're christians,
we can claim to be well-versed in the Word,
we can evangelise and teach,
but are we ready if the Lord comes back today?

knowing is one thing,
experience is another.
we can be ready to quote bible verses,
but are our hearts ready for the return of our Master?

adaptibility is one thing,
readiness is another.
we can easily adapt to changes,
but do we adapt only after frustration, or ready obedience?

we can do what is required.
many times we can rise up to the occasion..
but what i think is crucial,
is more of the initial response.

do we yield to anger
as quickly as we adapt to the change?
many times i find myself trapped in anger,
den only changes follow consequently out of reluctance.

are we ready today?
if God were to come back for us,
and He looks into our hearts,
are we ready to be called His children?

for a candid effect,
ORD stands for Operational Readiness Date.
and it also means that we ought to be ready if a war arises.
based on the 2yrs experience we had..

i've all the head knowledge,
i've all the experiences,
i've all the commands,
but am i ready for war?

readiness often test the innermost..
are we ready for the test?
or will our glamourous and holy exterior
crumble upon the test of God?

are we rooted in the Word deep enough,
that if a squall comes,
we'll still be standing strong.
or will we blown away in an instance?

readiness can only be achieved,
when we're constantly in contact wif God.
when we're constantly guarding our hearts from temptations.
when we haf an authentic r/s wif God..

no other way to be ready.
any other ways will just be a facade.
whom you can deceive pple around you,
or even yourself. but not God..


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