Sunday, May 10, 2009


sometimes, when we feel so misunderstood.
when we feel so alone,
when we feel that nobody else understands,
when we feel that its better to keep mum..

God puts friends around you,
friends who understand the situation,
simply coz they'd been through the situation before!
its not easy to find friends like dis, but possible.

daniel z` says:
maybe it's God putting us together to learn ba..
not easy to be on this alone

C. S. HOO says:
you bet

and for those whom i've spoken to today.
esp you, and you.
the first you, i totally understand what you're going thru.
the second you, i'm truly grateful for you.

our gracious Lord loves us so much,
that He wouldn't leave us.
and He too,
wouldn't leave us the way we are..

let us take a step back,
and see how much God has blessed us wif.
let us not look at what we don't haf for once,
let us look and be thankful for what we haf..


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