Monday, May 11, 2009


what is the healthy or hygenic period,
for a toothbrush to be changed?
in any case,
i FINALLY changed my toothbrush after a yr and a half!

same model, different colour!
my very funny friend bought me 3 toothbrushes.
and those toothbrushes traveled abroad one hor!
got green and PINK!

now that i'm using the pink one,
i hope my sister will not mistake it for hers!
i hope that amidst her grogginess,
she'll still manage to see the groove in MY toothbrush!

but anyways,
ytd night was the opening ceremony for my pinkbrush.
boy, it was one helluva brush man!

and as i was brushing my teeth,
and maybe groaning..
a thought came into my muddled head again!
yeah, just lidat.

changes are necessary,
but its not necessarily for more comfort.
in fact, on the contrary,
it usually hurts even more!

although i got so used to and comfortable wif my oldbrush,
it couldn't serve its purpose anymore.
brushing teeth wasn't meant for massaging my gums and teeth
in the first place!

it was intended for cleaning and excavating.
nvr for a therapeutic experience.
more of a cleansing one..
and most of the time, cleansing hurts!

after discovering that my teeth were still stained
even straight after brushing them.
i thought, maybe the oldbrush is obsolete.
time for a new slate, a new guard.

and so i contemplated for a while,
thinking how can my 3 christmas trees see me thru
my whole ordeal of braced teeth!
i thought oldbrush had already served a good time.

so without further ado,
i went to change my toothbrush.
and when night comes, before i went to bed,
i was all excited for the refreshed change.

but being the muddled me,
i really forgot how new toothbrushes would feel like!
and seriously, pinkbrush gave me one good wake up call!
and ironically, i couldn't slp after that..

changes are meant to be for the better,
changes require lots of courage
to wean ourselves from the comfortable past.
changes require an initiative to retreat and re-evaluate.

many times in our lives,
we just get so used to our happy-go-lucky lives.
sometimes things in our lives start nagging,
we chuck it aside coz we're afraid of the 'pain' that changes bring.

of coz after brushing my teeth,
after spitting out toothpaste wif strains of blood.
i was excited to gargle and see the effects that newbrush brought!
my teeth were awesome!

it looked cleaner, fresher!
but there was a price to pay for these shine.
and we thank God for His mercies upon us..
for these trials are often shorter than what is to come!

i struggled while brushing,
it hurt pretty badly..
but the shine i know,
would last at least through the night.

a 3mins pain for a 3 times 3 hours of glory,
how great is that!
likewise in our lives,
we struggle thru trials, but the finish is sweet.

some of us would prefer to see dis life in entirety.
dis whole life is one big 80yrs of chalked up struggles..
but still, it'll come to an end.
wouldn't it?

and if we endure thru wif the grace of God,
the prize of these 'short-term' stuggles are eternal.
it has no expiry date,
it doesn't need another brush anymore!

Lord, i thank You for reminding us of Your love for us.
Your grace and mercies upon us!
knowing that we're finite, limited beings,
You did all You can, to save us from eternal death.

You saw the big picture in our lives,
and You rescued us from the
clutches of these dark portraits we drew ourselves.
we thank You Lord..

Father, help us to continue to trust in You.
for You've placed these trials in our lives meticulously.
enough to wake us up,
not enough to give us up, Lord!

since we cannot fathom what You can,
but Lord, help us to see things through Your spectacle.
that every small step we take,
or small decisions we make.

let it amount to Your honour and glory!
for all these belongs to You rightfully.
we want to live our lives in accordance wif Your will.
we want to live our lives in accordance wif Your will, Lord.


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