Friday, May 15, 2009

model ans.

CLS says:
so what do we do now?

CLS says:
drop everything, take whatever we have, travel around and preach?

CLS says:
im not sarcastic

CLS says:
i dunno

desHOO. say:
that is in fact the most courageous decision.

desHOO. say:
esp when you feel so much for the aborigines.

desHOO. say:
that is also in fact what Jesus told His disciples to do.

CLS says:
then why do u wanna seek further knowledge in law, which is irrelavent in life as to spread the word of god, when u already know these?

for a background knowledge,
dis guy here is my friend from pri 3.
he's from a staunch buddhist family,
and he is far from a typical 'easy-to-evangelise' kinda guy.

always cynnical, always critical.
and he's one helluva vulguy!
but when it comes to brotherhood,
he's the one i know i can turn to!

but the point of me pasting the convo is dis,
it reminded me of how 'willing' i am,
to obey the great commision of Christ..
what is holding me back, to carry the cross?

desHOO. say:
that is one challenge i've been struggling in my life.

desHOO. say:
my worry to earn a 'luxurious' living.

desHOO. say:
i'm not perfect, i'm not Jesus.

desHOO. say:
i admit my greed.

desHOO. say:
we all know the model ans don't we?

desHOO. say:
but when it comes down to doing it, we just fall short.

one beauty of an authentic f/s
comes wif humility and honesty.
i know full well that what i say may stumble him,
but i'd rather admit my mistake than to go all 'holy' abt it.

come to think of it,
we don't haf much of an excuse, do we?
we strive for the best.
we work so hard to be the best..

but when it comes to bringing pple to Christ,
we say, "err, next time when i retire?"
"err, i don't think i can live a kampung lifestyle."
"den how to get married and stay in condo?"

the Lord has blessed us wif so much comfort,
so much intellect and luxuries.
is it backfiring towards Him?
is there a supposed piety in His blessings for us?

in any case,
we really hafta ask ourselves dis qn.
how much do we love God.
and how much do we love our neighbours.

i'm struggling so hard to put down all i haf,
to follow Him.
really not easy,
really not easy..

that is why we need You, Lord Jesus!
thank You for empowering us wif these 'talents'
teach us to be courageous in faith.
teach us to be obedient in truth.


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