Saturday, May 23, 2009


as i was pulling out new bed sheets from my closet,
somehow the sheets weren't stacked neatly enough,
the top layers spilled over
and a desperate attempt to get it all in order again.

as i pulled out a pair of boxers before showering,
the top layers of my clothes tumbled over,
at dis instance, i paused.
why is it that things keep falling over?

whenever these things happen,
i like to use brute force against the delicate fabric,
squeeze it into where it belong
and quickly shut the closet door..

but will it happen again,
the next time i open the door?
definitely, without a doubt.
and dis time, its gonna spill out quicker.

many a times, we haf issues in our lives
where we just hate to talk abt..
each time we open that 'door', it spills out
and we just can't wait to close it once and for all.

ever wondered why some pple
could get all so emo while singing christian 'solace' songs.
for eg, 'God will make a way'
or even 'still'..

but yet, when monday comes
their life don't seem to be least troubled at all.
the imagery and thoughts of the sunday morning songs,
just seem to take a back seat dis time..

sure, "you cannot emo all the time ma.."
but does that authorise us to 'close the can of worms'?
alot of times we pour our hearts out to God,
when our emotions are stirred by external means.

but i don't think Him ministering to us,
simply means crying our hearts out and 'forget'..
in the bible, the words of Jesus pierces thru the depths of our hearts.
instead of shoving it aside, He calls for eradicating the root problem.

not by our own means and strength, of coz.
but always by the blood of Christ, the grace of God.
God didn't close one eye on our sins,
He paid the highest price to eradicate the root problem.

what about us?
when it all accumulates in our 'can of worms',
does it mean that its all 'permanently deleted'
or is it just 'stored' in the 'recycle bin'?

the only prudent approach i could think of now,
is to let God minister to you, beyond the tears.
as much as we naturally open up our 'tear well',
to open up that 'can', would require conscious effort.

and many a times, it so uncomfortable
that we'd rather not open it at all..
"i'm fine wif my life now. i'm fine wif the way it is.."
if dis is your conviction you're guided by..

but i can assure you,
each time the same thing or issue recur,
it'll be worse, more painful.
the higher the clothes are stacked, the faster it'll fall over..

it is a choice,
do we allow God to work in us, including the 'can'.
or do we allow God to 'carve' our exterior only,
where the inner substances are not tampered wif..


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