Thursday, February 12, 2009


And you mourn at last,
When your flesh and your body are consumed,
12 And say: “ How I have hated instruction,
And my heart despised correction!
13 I have not obeyed the voice of my teachers,
Nor inclined my ear to those who instructed me!
14 I was on the verge of total ruin,
In the midst of the assembly and congregation.”

21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD,
And He ponders all his paths.
22 His own iniquities entrap the wicked man,
And he is caught in the cords of his sin.
23 He shall die for lack of instruction,
And in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.

the above proverbs speaks so sharply,
to those of us who are fools.
for trivia purposes,
'fool' was used more than a hundred times in proverbs!

aren't we fools before?
or even fooled one time too many?
we sometimes feel foolish,
but most of the time, we're unaware of being one.

in a daily devotional that got circulated to me,
it speaks of 4 different kinds of 'fools'
there's the 'simple fool', 'mocking fool'
'God-denying fool' and 'hardened fool'.

simple fool, or peti
is a person who makes mistakes,
but seeks to correct them quickly.
hence, was restored to the fellowship wif God.

david, for one.
was a simple fool!
a man who makes mistakes but wif a repentant heart.
and God didn't turn away from him despite his 'mistakes'..

hardened fool, kesil or ewil
is a person who makes mistakes,
but nvr learns from them
and further despises counsel and advice.

King Saul, was a hardened fool.
He KNOWS he's committing wrongs,
yet continues in his evil doings.
a man going back to his own vomit.

mocking fool, letz.
one who mocks or scoffs at the doings of God.
who thinks he's his own god,
and ridicules the True One.

God-denying fool, nabal.
a person who is morally wicked
and ignores the disgrace that he brought to his family
and one who despises holiness.

these are the fools defined in the bible,
and further discussed by Os Hillman.
seems like we're all fools in a way or another,
its how we emerge from foolishness, isn't it?

i saw a tagline on the back cover of "the last lecture"
which goes something like,
"we can't change the cards we're dealt,
its how we play our hand"

many things in life,
we do not haf control over..
but it is how we humble ourselves before the Controller,
and let Him be God.

some might say in defeat,
"ren suan bu ru tian suan"
some might say in anger,
"anw what i want, God also don't allow."

but the question here is,
are we sometimes too full of ourselves?
giving ourselves the right to rule 'our body'.
hard to swallow isn't it?

"why must God put us on earth,
to torture us!"
"if He really loves us,
why He cannot let us haf what we want!"

how foolish, some of us might think.
but hey,
weren't we at some points in our lives
just like that? fools?

"God, we wanna commit our results into Your hands."
but when we get our results,
which doesn't allow us to enter our desired course.
we allow disappointments to overcome us..

isn't it abt time we learn to trust Him?
recently, some of you might have realised.
that i've been mentioning songs we sing on sunday,
that we seemingly not practice on weekdays!

i really have dis strong conviction in my heart,
what deceitful pple are we!
using the same mouth we curse and malice,
we sing praises unto Him.

what audacity!
i've come to realise how disgusting that is!
absolutely turned off by such 'harmonious lies'
we utter week in week out!

aight, don't get me wrong ya?
i'm not saying i'm super righteous.
only i've the clean heart to sing praises,
all of you have been hypocrites.

no friends,
i've sinned and been more deceitful than you can imagine!
i've nvr been so convicted before the Lord.

in recent weeks,
as i do my QT, and plan song sets.
i struggled,
coz i know i'm not worthy to sing those words.

and now,
i wanna urge you my friends.
sin no more.
if you can't bear to let go of your sins, don't sing.

even if you wanna sing,
coz the songs are nice or you just like to sing.
den you alone, stand judge before God.
He'll know if you're singing, or singing to Him..

i've no right or jurisdiction
as to assume that the so and so is deceitful.
so and so is not worthy to sing those words..
i'm more a sinner than anyone if i do that!

but i really really sincerely wanna encourage you guys,
go before the Lord and confess.
we all haf our dirty linen..
lay them before the Lord and confess!

let us love the Lord as we sing so.
let us trust the Lord as we sing so.
let us not lie to God anymore..
let us come before Him wif a CLEAN and WILLING heart!

i'll be praying for you, my friends.
even if you think you don't need prayers.
if you need somebody to pray wif or confide in,
you know, i'm here at your disposal ya?

let's continue to uphold one another,
the Lord holds us together as one!
let's continue to persevere towards Christ-likeness!
we all know its hard, but possible!


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