Tuesday, February 03, 2009


today was quite funny.
though i had a super bad day at work,
but nvm.
that aside..

on my way home,
i saw dis v young couple.
they were still in their uniforms,
and the guy was still in shorts!

so its only right to assume that
they're no more than 14?
they were holding hands,
and the guy was like trying to get her attention.

the girl tried to entertain him,
but couldn't stay at it for long.
can tell that she was trying though,
but oh well..

den after that,
i couldn't be bothered anymore.
i looked elsewhere and saw ANOTHER couple.
dis time they're probably in tertiary studies.

now, dis is interesting.
coz i'm around their age,
and the way they behave
was a stark difference from the former!

they didn't hafta be all cuddly.
they just looked into each other's eyes,
and talked gracefully.
somewhat sharing their day..

the girl wasn't too concerned
abt how pple look at them.
the guy wasn't too concerned
abt how the girl was conscious abt it.

they just shared like the 2 of them
were in hokkaido during spring.
where leaves fall and blossom
in their lovey dovey setting..

okay, i should snap out of it.
though i kinda want dis kinda feeling,
but nah.
i know i shouldn't at dis point in time.

so i looked away.
as i was walking home..
i saw dis really old couple.
probably in their late 70s.

both of them wif a head of grey,
and guess what!
they were holding hands!
i love to see old couples hold hands..

they didn't look like they were talking.
they look almost like just simply
enjoying each other's company,
and enjoying the scenery..

maybe they're assured not coz of themselves,
but coz they know nobody will try to
seduce their other half!

but my point here is dis.
all 3 couples are in love..
the only difference i could think of,
is that all differed in reasons.

aight, let dr love explain..
and oh wait.
before all the desplanation,
disclaimer: its a general view, not stereotype!

young couples even before puberty,
tend to be in a r/s for show.
meaning, having a bf/gf is like
a cool thang.

no matter how i feel towards him/her,
no commitment needed.
got butterflies in my stomach,
can alr.

as long as i'm attached.
i'm cool!
better still,
i'm attached to some super good-looking!

and you should know the outcome,
sooner or later.
a breakup will come,
and the cycle starts again.

for tertiary love,
though its seemingly loving.
mature and not so showy.
its dangerous too..

we might alr know what we want in a partner,
and we would, more often than not
impose our 'standards' on our partner.
and dis will hurt more.

because both parties put in alot for the r/s,
both parties know what they want.
and since both are more 'committed',
they won't break up unless they really cannot take it.

of coz there is also a flip side to it.
couples who manage to sort out their differences,
knowing that it is still worth the hurt,
will strive on and may even end up in marriage!

now, the grey love..
the sweetest of them all.
we know that they've been through everything together
good and bad, they're still together!

and the interesting thing is dis,
they might even be matchmade!
bearing their generation in mind,
matchmaking is probably the way they got acquainted.

but how did they stick wif each other for so long?
how did feelings grow,
from nothing to everlasting.

maybe coz it started off as 'no choice'.
like or don't like,
still must get married..
must as well be happy abt it.

but subsequently,
as they go through thick and thin.
commitment to each other becomes natural..
loving each other becomes a bond btw them.

what i'm trying to say here is dis.
God allows things to happen in all seasons of life.
its how we manage it.
with or without Him..

the young couple could very well be christians,
but they are surely not ready for a relationship.
one which they share joys and differences,
one whom they accept for who they are..

the tertiary ones are really abt commitment.
where both of them are at their prime..
a third party can come in v easily,
but whether they can trust each other enough.

whether they're assured of each other's love.
whether they can tolerate a certain flaw.
all these are molding periods for a lifetime bliss.
a partner for which God had molded for each other.

do we know what kinda lovers are we?
do we know how to love ourselves?
coz if we can't love ourselves,
how then can we say we can love other pple?

many of you reading dis,
i assume are my age.
which means you're either working things out,
or simply not ready for one.

but there's no harm exploring within yourself.
what is love all abt?
i'm not talking abt agape love.
i'm talking abt courtship kinda love..

am i ready for commitments?
am i ready to put myself aside for him/her?
will it compromise on my r/s wif God?
will it compromise on our initial f/s?


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