Monday, February 02, 2009


a video from angel's blog,
2 emails from pauline,
an inspired verse from the bible
was all that was needed to hear God loud and clear.

some of you might know of my condition,
my health condition.
i'd been praying at the cathedral during lunch
for abt 2 weeks now..

it was the most relieving 2 weeks of lunchtimes!
so many insights to learn from Him,
when You set aside time to listen.
He's so faithful!

inter alia, these 2 stood out the most!
in a nutshell,
it is basically a r/s wif Him
and disappointments.

many of us will be left wondering sometimes,
why others can haf dis
yet i can't?

the answer is straightforward.
and whoever is compelled to make a choice in life now,
i wanna challenge you dis.
take some time off and be honest wif yourself.

if God were to give you what you want,
NOW at dis point in time.
will you love Him less?
will it rob your attention away from Him.

if your answer is yes,
there you haf it!
sometimes or in fact all the time,
we really gotta trust Him.

if we don't trust,
we don't even talk abt love.
how can we say/sing that we love God,
yet our actions show otherwise!

let us not lie to God any longer.
let us not face up to Him and let Him lead instead.
there is no reason for God to withold something from you,
but what good will it serve if He gives in to your impatience?

there's someone in my life which i hold on v dearly to.
but i know i can't pursue further now,
not because of that other person,
but because of me.

i know that God is witholding a courtship from me,
because He knows i will love Him less.
and dis is the time i should make right my life wif Him,
before i even profess love!

and i know if i honour Him,
He will grant the desires of my heart.
in His own sweet time,
He will, i know that.

the other thing is disappointments.
how we cope wif the inevitable..
no matter how hard we work to evade from it,
it will still befall upon us somehow!

pauline sent me an email recently,
titled 'Jesus or barabbas'?
"what a comparison",
was the first thought in my head.

but as i read on,
it speaks of so much truth and conviction!
i can't help but identify wif it
and pray for forgiveness.

for some of you who don't know,
barabbas was the murderer who was set free instead of Jesus.
and the crowd who were pressing for his sentence,
was the same crowd who 'adored' Him a few days back.

but why did they condemn Him?
because they were disappointed in Him.
because Jesus was reluctant to defend Himself,
He apparently couldn't "save" Himself.

and likewise in our lives.
how many times did we choose barabbas over Jesus?
because of our disappointments in our lives,
we say God didn't deliver when He claimed He could.

but my friends,
be encouraged and reminded.
that in His time,
His perfect-weaved plan for us will take place.

so if some of you who are struggling really hard now,
be encouraged that God's plan is still in place!
just be patient and tenacious in your faith!
hold on tight to Him and you'll see His face..

For surely I know the plans for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

as long as we believe in Him,
as long as we continue to trust in Him,
His plans for us will be perfect,
He WILL give us a future with hope!

just like a labouring mother,
who screams in pain while giving birth.
after seeing their child,
they'll tell you, "the pain is worth it."


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