Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever.. Whoever believes in me has real life, eternal life."

John 6:35, 47

these 2 verses are composed wif simple words,
yet encompasses profound truths.
truths that are so easy to say,
yet difficult to understand..

i used to think when i first heard abt Jesus,
the deal was simple.
i believe, i go heaven.
God bless me, period.

as i grow in faith and knowledge,
i began to feel burdened by the Word.
not because its hard to understand,
but its hard to obey.

and now,
i've transcended to achievable obedience,
but forgetting the basic principality behind
an authentic r/s wif God, my first love.

He says He is the Bread of Life,
and those who aligns wif Him shall not be in need.
what does alignment calls for here?
how do we actually align wif God?

and it brings us back to the basic,
being one wif Him.
how to be one wif Him?
and how to be assured that we're one wif God?

an imagery of a mother monkey wif its baby.
ever seen how a mother monkey swing around
with its baby clinged unto her?
almost like its just another pouch?

i would presume that the baby monkey
at that very phase of life,
felt 'aligned' or felt like they're one wif its mum.
ever so secured.

nvr worried abt what to eat for meals,
nvr worried abt safety issues,
nvr worried abt being neglected or discarded,
just simply trusting its care-giver.

how many of us,
in dis day and age.
still remembers how BEING a child feels like?
how being secured and cared for feels like?

instead of being a 'child' of God,
we prefer to be a childslave.
always 'working' for what we want,
always depending on our own strength..

how else could God remind us of His love for us.
how else could God remind us of His provision for us.
what else could God do to get us to trust Him,
when He alr gave us His only Son.

Jesus is calling us
to cling to Him.
and let Him do the caring and protecting and loving.
and be assured of His love and tender care!

let us be like the baby monkey,
let us trust in our God.
let us cling unto Him so tight,
knowing that nothing can ever go wrong with Him around!

Lord, help me to cling to You in faith.
help me to trust in You
in Your timing,
in Your love.

Lord, You know our needs
more than how a mother knows their children.
Lord, have Your way in me.
i don't wanna hunger or thirst anymore..

in Jesus name
i sincerely ask and pray,


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