Monday, January 12, 2009


I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you're joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant.
John 15:5

ever wondered why is the analogy of tree being used?
not plastic bag and fruits,
nor box and chocolates,
nor sea and fishes?

one of the few conclusions i'd derived at
after think for a while,
why vines and branches?

because the branches didn't haf a choice
to choose to be stemed out of THAT vine, or the other.
branches stems out of the vine NATURALLY..
and in FULL PROVISION the vine can give to the branch!

likewise, God chose us to be His branches.
He said He will provide,
He WILL provide!
believe in that..

what the branch was in charge of is bearing fruits.
they don't even need to 'work' for the bearing.
all they need to 'do',
is to 'allow' the water and sunlight to be bestowed on them!

can you believe that?
just being ONE with God was all we need,
to be able to bear fruits.
good fruits call for good relationship wif God!


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