Wednesday, January 07, 2009


some of us like to take things at surface value.
coz it doesn't require much analysis,
it doesn't require much thought into it
that might very well be conceived as another problem.

even in the bible,
there are certain parables or accounts
where we just read it as a bedtime story,
or a story that merely encourages.

when i was in surabaya,
pastor inban often says that going to church services
are like going for 'holy cuddles',
they just make you feel warm and good..

at first, i was quite taken aback by it.
like "what you mean holy cuddle!"
but i kept quiet most of the time,
trying to make sense out of that very statement.

and then, it dawned upon me
that he was a warrior out in the field.
a warrior who truly relied on God's word and strength,
who put his faith into practical actions..

there's a parable that i read from a friend's blog.
a life account in fact,
that was heard one too many times..
that we often get 'encouraged' by.

it is one that accounted the resurrection of lazarus.
many of us know that Jesus 'allowed' Lazarus to die,
so that God can be glorified to a larger extent
when He resurrected the dead friend of Jesus.

some who studied even more intently abt that account,
who also realised that if Jesus knew abt all these,
den why did He weep?
why weep and not confident?

it wouldn't make sense if Jesus knew what was going on,
and yet still weep at the temporary 'loss' of his friend.
would it?
would He?

or was it because it is only natural to weep
over a friend's death?
or even cry when you're struggling
during the 'darkest periods' in your life?

but dis friend of mine read in his commentary,
on this very account
and discovered a different viewpoint of Jesus' tears.
somewhat unheard of..

Jesus did not weep because He was sad that lazarus died,
He did not weep because He couldn't reach there in time
to heal lazarus so that he wouldn't have to taste death.
He already knew lazarus was dead and 'allowed' it..

Jesus wept not because He found a dead friend.
He wept because He found dead faith.
He found dead faith in many..
this is the very reason why He wept.

and taking that wif you,
how many times haf Jesus wept
when we weren't faithful to Him?
and what do we do abt it, now that we know?

i thank God for revealing dis truth to me,
that i may review my life and start anew wif Him.
and the timing was apt because its the new yr,
and it usually calls for a new beginning..

it sort of changed my whole 'resolution' for 2009.
or rather, it summed it up
and directed me pretty clearly.
be humble, be faithful to the One and Only..


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