Friday, January 02, 2009

new yr?

new yr, new resolutions?
what's gonna happen to mid yr,
when its normally the driest of the seasons.
any bailout plan?

so to me,
a new yr's resolution is nothing
but just a man-made kick start to the new work yr.
keeping to it is another issue!

i guess for me,
what i 'wish' for in 2009,
would be what i've been praying for.
wisdom and discernment..

wisdom to make the right decisions that honour You.
not for my own personal good..
discernment to tell the right from wrong,
not the good from bad.

Lord, there countless things i've done wrong in 2008.
help me not to look back and regret.
but to look back in thanksgiving,
that You've brought me through to 2009 nonetheless..

Lord, i pray that You'll walk closer wif me in 2009.
You'll hold my hand,
You'll carry me through like how You v graciously did in 2008.
Lord, i know i'll need You more in 2009..

Lord Jesus, please don't leave me.
coz i won't know what to do without You.
i need You, Lord.
i need You..


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