Wednesday, January 07, 2009


But all who humble themselves before the Lord shall be given every blessing, and shall have wonderful peace.

Psalm 37:11

such an astounding truth,
such a faithful promise..
but how many of us actually believed in it?
how many of us knew what it really meant?
by humbling ourselves,
a vague picture of a slave
bowing down at his master's feet.
in humility.
when a person kneels before another person,
it calls for an extensive amount of humility.
even kneeling down a person wif authority,
it demands a great deal of 'putting self aside'..
let me further mince the words.
putting ourselves aside,
means putting others before us,
even at our loss..
how many of us can actually do that these days?
being in my working environment,
i see tonnes of different letters
setting out to challenge a certain authority..
are we too smart to be humble now?
are we too smart to be a servant these days?
the more educated we are,
the more foolish we get.
the oxymoron was intended.
to prove how far the society has degenerated,
through the advancement of 'standards'
how contradicting!
only when we learn to eat the humble pie,
we'll nvr be given every blessing.
only when we put ourselves aside,
we'll nvr get to taste His wonderful peace.
to you who're feeling lost and empty inside,
continue to bow at the King's feet
and to read His word,
for His word is a light unto your path..
to you who're feeling discouraged and fearful,
continue to humble yourself.
and pray and keep praying for discernment,
and guard your hearts from the lies of the evil one.
to you who're stressed and burdened,
continue to fix your eyes on Jesus,
for He is your prize,
He is your finishing line..
be blessed, my dear friends.
for i am blessed,
so should you!
don't give up!!


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