Wednesday, January 14, 2009


He said to His disciples, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they neith sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!"
Luke 12:22-24

its amazing, how God speaks to us.
today i flipped the next page of my daily QT,
and dis verse popped up.
i thought i'll blog it, but later.

so i didn't blog it in the morning
which i usually do before i even start work!
but i didn't today,
coz i thought i'll just save it for later.

and den dis morning,
the overseas education consultant contacted me.
he was very helpful and laid out all my options,
wif my limitations of crappy 'O's and retarded diploma!

and so he laid all out,
and all sounded attractive and good UNTIL
we spoke on fees and accomodation and living expenses.
it comes up to 50k/year.

like what?!
i'm no boo, but only a mere hoo man!
where in the blue world can i dig out these finances?
and how?!

and as i was talking to kenny online,
i realised that as the possibility of me going down under
gets higher and more probable.
there're more things that i really can't let go.

I say:
now i've only got 3 worries that are pulling me back from overseas studies.

I say:
finances, family and ...

I say:

Kenny Lai says:
why family?

I say:
homesick ma.

I say:
and my mum's not exactly in her pink of health.

I say:

Kenny Lai says:
i see..

Kenny Lai says:

Kenny Lai says:
well discuss with them first lo?

I say:
ya, i will. i haf to!

I say:

I say:
its big sums of money man!

I say:

I say:
i'm so vexed i'm so vexed..

I say:
i think even before i start studying, my hair turn grey alr lor!

den as i leaned back on my chair,
thinking abt the future and what holds for me.
just when i was pulling myself up to work again,

SUDDENLY.. (okay, dis part must read wif more exaggeration)

a gust of boisterous wind menaced in my office cubicle,
toying around with my coiffed up hairdo,
unending ripples seen on the water in my glistening silverware,
a sense of chill trickled down my spine..

the page of my "365 Bible promises for men" fluttered profusely,
and it flapped to the date of january 14!
the very date of today,
and there..

laid those golden words,
glistening below my flourescent lamp
right before my peering eyes recovering from a whirlwind.
was that God's divine intervention?

(okay, can read normally already.)

though i wouldn't say i'm entirely encouraged,
nor would i say i've zero worries now.
but i'm utterly encouraged by the fact that God,
showed to be still be wif me!

He reminded me of dis verse,
and i know He holds my tomorrow..
and if dis is His plan for me,
its gotta be perfect, if not, the best!

one of my very close friend sent me dis.

"Hmm...don't worry ba, if this is the way God plans for you to take, no matter how impossible things seem, He'll make a way:) don't forget you still have people supporting you...your family, uncle boo, sheila...i'm sure therell be a way somehow:)"


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