Friday, January 23, 2009


i'm sure many times we tell God,
"can you pls don't love me?
i'm so unworthy."

sometimes we ask Him,
"why are You still here for me,
when i've disappointed You so much?"

well i guess,
sometimes we pretty much can't choose
to ask God to love us or don't right?
He just does..

because of His undying love for us,
even when we feel so unworthy,
He went the extra step to give us His most precious.
His Son..

certain things just cannot be explained huh?
He chose to love us,
and that's that.
no matter how far we stray.

no matter how much we disappointed Him,
no matter how far we go to hurt Him.
He'll be there, faithful.
so that when we turn back, He's there..

Lord, i know all these happened for a reason.
i know You've wired me dis way..
be my Guide, Father.
be my Inspiration of true love!


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