Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

Hebrews 11:1, 3

faith, i can move the mountains!
i can do all things through Christ,
who strengthens me!

dis song is so commonly sang,
but the meaning of it remains seemingly obscure.
surely we do know the definitions of 'faith',
but do we know the practicality of it?

many times we fall into worries.
worries are somewhat the sign of
faith lacking in us.
we simply can't trust what is unseen huh?

we measure friendships by amount of communication,
we measure love by extensive care and concern,
we measure salvation by works that we do,
we measure acceptance by the number of friends we haf.

how true is it..
how many of us can really say we've faith!
now we know why the quantity of a mustard seed,
was already enough to move a mountain if we believed.

coz God knows we cannot even haf faith
in the amount of a mustard seed.
who on earth can say to Him,
Lord, i've faith in You!

let's not even talk abt salvation as yet.
we talk abt love for one another..
how many times we feel insecure of each other,
when communication seem to drop?

do we not feel unwanted by friends who
doesn't really talk to us?
do we not feel unassured by friends who
doesn't assure us verbally or the way we wanted it?

even during exams,
we pray and commit the papers in God's hands.
but yet,
fear of the results!

where is faith in all these situations?
so when we say we commit to God,
what do we really mean?
or is it just a protocol that 'christians' SHOULD do?

by no means!
God reminds us time and again in the Bible,
we must haf faith in the unseen.
we MUST!

we often hold some faith/trust back to ourselves,
thinking that 'in the event' or 'worst case scenario',
i won't be totally devastated.
i won't be totally hurt..

now, when we hold 1% of trust back to ourselves,
our faith level will immediately spell zero.
its almost like saying,
"God, i commit my life to You today, but.."

or even to our friends,
"hey, i love you for who you are. but can you next time.."
we should really learn to let go of our
terms and conditions.

in God's love,
terms and conditions DON'T apply!
He said He loved us,
and He gave us His ALL..

when we say we love one another,
do we give them our all?
or do we keep some for ourselves?
den what unconditional love are we talking abt?

i'd like to encourage us,
that we may have been hurt in the past.
we're just afraid that things might recur.
but let us take dis journey to trust..

let not our past rob us from our future.
let's learn to forgive and forget.
let's learn to give pple a second chance to reconcile.
let's learn to haf faith in them..

it is difficult, no doubt.
but it is definitely possible..
as long as we learn to love the way God does to us,
i'm sure your life would be more than fulfilling.


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