Friday, February 06, 2009


No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and His love has been brought to full expression through us.

1 John 4:12

its quite freaky,
how come dis whole past week,
the devotion is all abt l-o-v-e!
or maybe coz i see what i like to see?

anw, today's struggle was even greater.
i woke up more times last night.
and its strange how i can rmb all the dreams,
so vividly even now..

guess what, i woke up at 7
and lazed in bed until 7.50!!
the battle in my head was i tell you,
more happening than the gaza strip man!

i was thinking what reason can i give for urgent leave,
and what would i be doing at home,
how often haf i been on leave
and at 750, i told myself i should get out!

only 2 substantial reasons to keep me motivated,
one is to be surprised by my devotional calendar,
another is my lunch time peace at SAC.
i'm so tired, yet refreshed. get it?

anw, it is true that we've nvr seen God.
just wondering how many more believers
will there be if we could see God in person.
but then again, faith is a whole lot more valuable than belief.

sometimes we wonder if God really loves us.
if He does, why can't He just show Himself?
but almost immediately, i got my ans.
in God's perfect will, His love be at fullest extent.

if He were to show Himself to us.
as in tangible or at least visible..
would we really love Him through faith,
or simply just coz we're convinced?

if i'm a father.
i'd know my child really trust me,
even though my child cannot or haf not seen my capabilities
but simply by faith he/she trust.

we don't hafta see our dad put out fire,
to 'prove' that he's capable of protecting us.
we just know that because he loves us,
he'll protect us at his utmost ability..

likewise, when we say we know God.
why do we more often than not
complain that God doesn't show up,
that God sometimes seem so unreal?

at the same time,
it is so amazing how He exemplifies His love for us.
not only did He give up His Son for us,
He constantly reminds us through one another dis day.

i supposed we've been through most 'scenarios' of love?
'honeymoon' periods, quarrelsome periods,
breakups, reaffirming, reassuring,
waiting in hope, etc etc..

think abt it for a second.
isn't God doing all these for us as well?
when we choose to go against Him,
He feels hurt and upset but yet He held on patiently.

when we're committed to Him,
spend alot of time wif Him,
He's happy and He would reciprocate.
its almost like our 'honeymoon period'.

when we were far off,
when we say we don't like christianity,
or not ready for a r/s wif Him
He waited in hope that we might go to Him one day.

we don't quite 'quarrel' wif God, do we?
but we whine to Him.
we complain to Him.
He was patient and listened to our woes.

somehow, through dis period of time.
God really showed me what love really is.
the warped idea i used to haf.
the more time spent together, more love.

to a certain extent,
f/s or a r/s has to be maintained,
by spending time wif each other.
but it is not all that matters..

1 Cor 13 spells it all.
and in fact,
now that i review it again.
it is not really impossible to achieve..

it is whether the person is worthy enough
for your efforts and commitments.
if he/she is,
den you'd do anything to love.

pple might say i'm just being lovelorn.
i'm just saying coz words are cheap.
but i've got nothing to prove.
i've got nothing to be ashamed of.

i've failed, i've stumbled.
but i'm glad God pulled me back up.
and i'm sharing wif you what i've learnt.
of coz i'm not a model ans..

my testimonies and experiences
serves nothing more than just encouragements.
what is the core of the message,
should be God's words.

and God's word can only be heard,
if you yourselves spend time wif Him.
like i've said earlier,
a r/s has to be maintained..

i can't thank God enough,
for bringing me through dis period.
i know i've grown,
and am still growing..

so if you're feeling down and alone,
you're not.
there's always dis friend who'll listen to you.
and that is Jesus..

reside in Him,
and He will reside in you.
when you're tired,
He's there to give you rest!

your bf or gf can love you,
your family members can love you.
but i'm convinced,
that none can love the way God does to us..

let us strive to exemplify God's love.
be it in your marriage,
love life, ministry and so on..
love surpasses all understanding.


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