Sunday, February 24, 2008


pple had been telling me that i'm emo. very emo meh? hahahha! really trying to post something happy, but i can't!! and i cannot resist blogging. how? really alot of pple tell me i emo sia. don, mayteng, caleb, furong, joanna, charlee and etc etc. can't rmb them off hand!

and so there was the song segment today! actually i'm quite happy that its over. part of me is happy coz i don't hafta be so conscious of my behaviour and be super ultra sensitive to that still small voice.. don't get me wrong! not coz its bad or i'm going wayward and abt to renounce my faith or backslide. NO, I'M NOT! just that it's tiring and frustrating coz i don't hear em!!

but i really wanna thank God for the opportunity to lead today. coz it got me thinking and focusing on what i haven't been thinking of for the past month? why do we actually serve? its interesting how reasons can just pop up in my head and imagining devil des and angel des arguing over a certain thought. just to spice it up, here's one eg.

angel des: i serve God coz i love Him.
devil des: don't bullshit lah.
angel des: i serve God coz He's worth it and coz He first loved me.
devil des: whatever lah huh? (distract real des wif the thought of the special someone.)
devil des: ah see! so easily distracted, still say coz you love Him. pui.
angel des: okay, focus. yah ar? why i serve in church ar?
devil des: why why why? don't know right!
real des: sian, why do i actually spend so many saturdays in church? for what? glamour of standing on stage? get better view of girls when i'm on stage? huh? really meh? wah, sian!

yes, that's only ONE eg.. those who know me better, knows that i can engage in a monologue. and they're always v entertained by it. when they got to know me a lil more, they find it freaky.. hahahha!! so don't come and befriend me. i'm not as simple as u think i am!

on a more serious note, i think.. wait wait. before i continue, i wanna clarify! i'm not being emo here! just being serious! u can't be joking all ur life right? so don't mix emo and serious together!

yah, so i think its impt for us to reminisce the very first time we were passionate for God. to rmb that God is real and that's why we're serving a living God, and not chasing wild goose! just like how God reminded the israelites back in history, He brought them out of egypt. why? coz we absent-minded humans are very easily distracted! and wif His abundant grace, He steers us back to what happened. instead of getting all upset wif us.. i think lah. dis is my personal opinion! if u strongly disagree, den set up ur own blog and complain lor! oh, rmb to link me coz i wanna see ur point of disagreement! and if u agree, my tagboard's available and user-friendly. leave a msg to tell me how smart i am! hahahahaha!!


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