Monday, January 28, 2008


as i was cycling,
on dis road there stood a little girl.
clad in her pre-school uniform,
the familiar blue.

back facing me and walking ahead,
looking as though she's focusing
on something adults can't comprehend.

really amazing to see,
how much trust she gave pple around her.
who're cycling, running.
that she just cross the road,
without looking back
to check for the sector clear..

and when they're focused,
they seldom look back,
or even look elsewhere.
and just move towards it.

Jesus likes child-like prayers.
is that what He's trying to tell me?
to not look back,
and haf trust and faith.
that one day i'll just reach the finishing line,
regardless of the many falls,
i'm abt to encounter.

amazing isn't it?
God speaks,
even thru 2 seconds situations,
like that?

what do i hafta complain abt?
and whine abt
God not speaking to me.
or was i not attentive enough?

thank God for dis
special and real encounter,
i had wif Him dis late morning!

funny, as i search
for the word, "thank you"
and in translations.
in italian, its grazie.
in spanish, its gracias.
in french, its merci.

somehow, "grace" and "mercy"
keeps yelling out to me!
so i guess,
there's really alot
to thank God for.

to start off with,
for His grace and mercy!

Yihiyeh Tov!


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