Saturday, April 22, 2006

press on!!

again, dis post is for the Christian Soldiers!
in view of the big hoo-haa, Gospel of Judas.
if u're looking for a debate or analysis here,
u won't find any because i don't haf any!

but what i wanna say is,
take dis opportunity to reach out to non-Christians,
or even Christians who're doubting or mis-led by dis "gospel"

come to think of it,
don't u think Christianity is the MOST debated around the world?
and don't u think its a good thing?

look at it dis way,
if your defence is strong,
and your country's rich in resources,
don't u think pple will wanna try to conquer and look out for the smallest loop-holes u haf?

first for status,
den for profits.

likewise for Christianity.
pple know it's true, and worth debating.
and so many pple are trying to sneak in through the smallest grey areas,
and say, see!
Christianity is not all that great and true afterall.

i've been watching National Geographic and Discovery Channel,
surprisingly, out of 5 documentaries,
there're 3 regarding "Christianity"

there is the Holy Grail, Holy Spear, Gospel of Judas.
amazing ain't it?

i've nvr watched documentaries like,
Did tang shan zhang really go to the west or middle-east?
or Did Shiva really take an elephant head?
of coz dis are just examples,
not any form of disrespect.

but don't u think it's quite nice to attract so much attention and debates in a way?
coz they know its true and they wanna break it up.
Satan need not tempt the tempted,
but he'll go for the stronger ones.

probably because they know
Christians will not fight back?

i don't know.
but i feel that somehow,
God's using all these signs that He said in the end times
to strengthen His sheep and followers.
like He'd said,
"My sheep will hear my voice."
not the exact words though (coz i forgot. ha!)

so my friends,
press on!
any doubts, ask God.
abit cliche but u know,
He knows, BEST!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

life is beautiful.

He splashed orange in the sunrise
and cast the sky blue.
And if you love to see geese as they gather,
chances are you'll see that too.

Did He have to make the squirrel's tail furry?
Was He obliged to make the birds sing?
And the funny way that chickens scurry
or the majesty of thunder when it roars?

Why give a flower fragrance?
Why give food its taste?
Could it be
He loves to see
that look upon your face?

Monday, April 17, 2006

war of the worlds.

2 hot-headed asses in my family.
i say asses i meant stubborn donkeys and youknowwhat.

one's the tyrant in my family, my dad.
the other's the rebel, kenneth.
these 2 went head on today and almost got into a fist fight.

its darn stupid how it started.
kenneth's new furnitures came in today
and he had to shift out the old stuff right?
so he filled the corridor!
and my dad happily shouted at him for jamming the passage way.

and then the typical kenneth would show attitude and starts throwing things all over.
and my typical dad saw it and confronted him saying
"what kinda attitude is dis? u wanna fight is it? ask all ur ah beng friends come lah.
you think u got outside friends, i don't haf? see who scared who?"
of coz in english it sounded childish and retarded.
the whole conversation was in chinese by kenneth and hokkien by dad.

and my mum would rush to the corridor and say
"aiyah, enough lah ah lim ah. u know his temper is like that,
still care so much for what? he's got his own parents."
dad cuts in by saying, "cb, everything my fault. knnpcb. i really feel like teaching him a lesson."
walks away into his room and punches the door on his way.
walks out again and said "now is punch door, next time it'll be him."

and my mum cleverly went on and say
"u're sucha pain in dis family. a lil thing can make u go crazy like that."
replied my dad saying, "all along i wanted to leave dis house. u think its coz of one incident like that and it got me so mad? all along i wanted to scold and discipline that ill-brat."

and my mum just went into her room and lie down on her bed.
and u guys must be wondering where i am.
i was in the living room sitting in btw my folks and eating my overnight fried rice for lunch.
and oh, i was watching "The Art of War" on discovery channel. (favourites)

and so the whole house was quiet until now,
it's been 2 hrs now.
no one dared to make any noise.

and it left me thinking and praying.
"wow, that's the exact same evil lesmong that i saw a couple of weeks back!"
and i know all that was typed up there would seem familiar to cheryl and andrew.
they'd say, "eh? sounds familiar. bang table bang chair."

and i was quite sad because dis was the main or only thing that i told myself years back
that i'll nvr be like my dad, shouting and going berserk.
leaving pple around him helpless and upset.
but there i saw a mirror image, and not a reminder.

of coz my christian pals would tell me,
pray brother.
and sarah and gang will just laugh and say
"so how? okay anot ur father."
the next time they see me.

oh well,
i always tell myself eversince i found out that i've got eruptive temper,
which btw made me the 3rd silent ass in the family
that "aiyah, i need time to change."

but the truth is,
if i don't make the effort to pray and let go when things frustrates me,
2000 years won't be enough.

so dudes,
please help dis lil ass here by reminding him gently
when u guys sense unhappiness and wrath boiling in me yah?
i need ur help,
and of coz,
God's. (sounds like "world peace" said by babes at a beauty pageant.)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pride And Shame.

Pride and shame.
You'd never know they are sisters.
They appear so different.
Pride puffs out her chest.
Shame hangs her head.
Pride boast.
Shame hides.
Pride seeks to be seen.
Shame seeks to be avoided.

But don't be fooled, the emotions have the same parentage.
And the emotions have the same impact.
They keep you from your Father.

Pride says, "You're too good for Him."
Shame says, "You're too bad for Him."

Pride drives you away.
Shame keeps you away.

If pride is what goes before a downfall, then shame is what keeps you from getting up after one.

- Max Lucado [He chose the nails]

Thursday, April 13, 2006


A small decision now can change all your tomorrows.

- Robert Schuller


If you wait for perfect conditions,you will never get anything done.

Ecclesiastes 11:4

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

better man?

Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Before my time

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man

Go easy on my conscience
'Cause it's not my fault
I know I've been taught
To take the blame

Rest assured my angels
Will catch my tears
Walk me out of here
I'm in pain

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man

Once you've found that lover
You're homeward bound
Love is all around
Love is all around

I know some have fallen
On stony ground
But Love is all around

Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Before my time

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doin' all I can
To be a better man

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mind-Renewal Thought.

The Christian's aim in life is to live for God's glory.

If his goods be spoiled, he says,
"If it glorifies God for me to lose my property,
I am no loser. I gave my goods to God years ago."

If he is put in prison, he says,
"I have lost my liberty, but I am no loser.
I gave up my liberty to God long ago."

If they tell him that he will die, he says,
"I am no loser for I gave him my life long ago.
I am altogether Christ's."

As the Prophet says:
"Our heart's desire is to glorify Your name"
(Isiah 26:8)

- Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)

*this is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God forever and ever.*


let me straighten my thoughts.
so many things haf happened dis few weeks.
somethings i've overdone,
somethings i've overlooked.
but what lays firm,
is the attachments and feelings.

i want it so bad,
but i can't haf it.
my flaws haf become a part of me so deep,
that removing it is hell of a task.

understanding, doing.
wanting, having.
sucha nice picture, just like eden.
but when difficulties creep in like satan,
the nice picture is dim.

well, to God all may fall in place.
but to man, decisions so hard to make.
to God, all things are possible,
but to man, compromises MUST be made.

wanting it so bad,
emotions and feelings i can't hide.
initial thoughts and intentions i meant,
but mixed wif bad emotions and temper.

argh, what good do i draw from man.
and what men do i draw from good,
is up to my potter to decide,
who and when's good for me.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Enlistment Dates for 06/07
(correct as on 07 Mar 06)
Couse Batch
Course Start
Course Duration
11 MAR 06
08 APR 06
10 APR 06
02 JUN 06
03 JUN 06
10 JUN 06
07 JUL 06
09 SEP 06
09 OCT 06
08 DEC 06

yes!! hopefully its true man! they say 'correct as on 7 mar 06' leadership!! yeah!! hopefully there's a higher chance to be in command sch. from what i've heard so far from regulars and enthu-army pple are that pple who haf the same day and time of enlistment, most likely same company. and guess what, Wilson Li Weixian, my beloved triathelete is on the same day, same time and same sch! hahahha! but apparently, he's not very happy abt it. oh well, nobody's happy when desmond's around. so what the heck. yeah! i'm so damn excited man!! LEADERSHIP leadership COMMAND SCHOOL command school. woohoo!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

true true.

My son, do not make light of the
Lord's discipline,
and do not lose heart when He
rebukes you,
because the Lord disciplines those He loves,
and punishes everyone He accepts as a son.

Hebrews 12:5-6