Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mind-Renewal Thought.

The Christian's aim in life is to live for God's glory.

If his goods be spoiled, he says,
"If it glorifies God for me to lose my property,
I am no loser. I gave my goods to God years ago."

If he is put in prison, he says,
"I have lost my liberty, but I am no loser.
I gave up my liberty to God long ago."

If they tell him that he will die, he says,
"I am no loser for I gave him my life long ago.
I am altogether Christ's."

As the Prophet says:
"Our heart's desire is to glorify Your name"
(Isiah 26:8)

- Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)

*this is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God forever and ever.*


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