Thursday, May 19, 2005


dis week's fulla work. fulla skits preparations. fulla fun camp preparations. fulla intimacy [wif God. nah. no dirty thoughts andrew! ha!]. anyway, yah. now i'm kinda looking forward to the BBQ dis friday and funnily kinda excited to meet up wif mingjie tml morning before fun camp meeting. haha. not sure why. maybe i'm kinda in a rat race dis few weeks, working hard for cash and trying to squeeze everything in a day's schedule. the dates in my organiser are always bold-ed man! simply means my whole week is packed! no wonder cheryl's not so happy. coz its her holidays and i'm so involved in so many so many things. hopefully by 5th june, i'll be pretty much settled. done wif the camp and the skit. only left work, attachment and driving. not so bad. yep.
i'm reading dis book "Man in the Mirror". when i received the book from Pastor Aaron, i was qute turned off. honestly! haha. the first line in bold and italics summary at the back cover already states "Trade the Rat Race for the Rewards of Godly Manhood". can roughly guess where dis author's driving at. Christian guys cannot dis dis dis, must that that that, blah blah blah.. typical books i've read in life bookshop. but yah, had no choice but to take the first step which is to flip open the book and start reading it! if not, i won't be able to catch up wif the discussions that are somewhat weekly wif aaron, mingjie and sebas.

yah, so as i was reading, the introduction was rather draggy and i don't really get what the author's talking about, like beating about the bush and all that. quite frustrating lah! but nonetheless, ploughed through. and it quites more interesting and thoughts are really settling down in my head. patrick [author] talks about the rat race that we men are facing from 1876 right up to now! how the world advances and how we've pulled away from God. and the most interesting analogy that he brought up was that now in the twentieth century, we're rebuilding a towel of babbel. which is the antenna. antenna which encompasses technology like t.v, computers and so on. how the commercials and media influenced our lifestyle and its so damn true! what kinda person it makes u if u own let's say a Merc? or a damn big house? at the end of the day, u'll be buying urself more stress and struggles to cope wif the maintenance and so on. the materials kept piling up, does it make u a happier person? maybe for that few months, but does it last? think thru it man! its common, most of u heard dis before. but shouldn't it be a time for u to really think thru what's the main purpose of chasing those materials?

and dis leads me to chapter 2 as expected, talking about leading an unexamined life. how many of us actually examine ourselves every night, or every month, or every year, or do we even examine ourselves? how will we ever know we're progressing? at work, u know u've progressed if u're promoted or given a raise. likewise in our spiritual lives, how would we know if we've improved? isn't it by asking God? or at least having the discipline to do qt? to haf a time for u to get away from the environment for a while and reflect, to let God tell u how well u've fared or at least gif Him some time to talk to u? just that 10-15 mins, even lesser than a driving practical or a lecture in school.

these are the thoughts that went thru my head when i read the book. so excited to share dis wif the group of men on saturdays, but i'm afraid i'll forget. that's why i blogged it! haha. but if u think it applies to u, really. gif it a thought. lesmong, out.

*God had brought US dis far, and He'll bring US further!*


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