Tuesday, June 02, 2009


these are some funny things that i came across today.
or at least, things that made me smile today..

*at the clinic*
nurse: are you having fever?
des: not that i know of.

*scans des' forehead*
*scanner beeps like there's no tmr*
*nurse looks at des, puzzled*

nurse: any traveling history?
des: not that i know of.
nurse: you sure you not having fever?
des: are you saying i've fever?

*scans des' forehead, again*
*scanner beeps like there's no next month*
*nurse looks at des, frustrated*

nurse: i'm gonna ask you one last time, any fever?
des: seriously, not that i know of. what's my temp?
nurse: you're in the danger zone.
des: what's danger zone?

nurse: you're hot.
des: oh, thanks, but no, really. *um chio*
nurse: *um chio* take dis mask and sit there.
des: okay.

*5 mins later*

nurse: hoo chuen siang~
*des stands up and walks towards the counter*
nurse: i'm gonna scan you one more time,
coz you're in the danger zone.

*scans des' forehead, yet again*
*scanner beeps continuously and loudly*
*whole clinic was amused by now*
nurse: okay, you sit there, don't go anywhere else.

*after 5 mins*
nurse: hoo chuen siang~ your turn..
*des walks into the room*
doc: hi chuen siang, are you sure you haven't traveled?

*des getting a lil irritated*
des: no.
doc: you're having fever, you know?
des: now that you tell me, i know.

doc: so what are you here for today, chuen siang?
des: sore throat, and now, i guess fever as well?
doc: oh, but you cannot take paracetomol anyway.
so just bathe more and drink more water..


*somebody taps on des' right shoulder*
*des turns to his right,
but found out that that fella was standing on his left*
alvan: eh, take picture!

oh ya, the setting was
*at a traffic junction wif green man flashing*
des: now?! cross the road la!
alvan: oh okay.

*alvan and des crossed the road*
alvan: eh, take picture. i bought new phone
wanna put as your caller id.
des: here?! in the middle of raffles city entrance?

alvan: v fast one!
*des grins in the sunny yellow banana day*
alvan: okay!
des: aight, i gotta go to the clinic now.

* des was watching 7 pounds*
* des saw a subtitle that reads*
will smith: .. stacy miller..
subtitles: .. stay similar..

that's pretty much the funny things i've encountered today,
or as much as i can rmb!
but on a more serious note,
dis question came into my head.

if a man chooses to die,
because if he dies, his organs can save his loved ones.
is dis still considered suicide?
a suicide that's entitled to eternal hell stay?


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