Thursday, June 04, 2009


in pastor kris' theology class today,
i felt so alive.
if a metaphor would help describe my feelings,
i feel like a saltwater pet fish in the ocean.

i rmb how drifted i am from God,
for the past few weeks.
and battling it within myself.
please God, or myself?

many of you will be wondering
what kind of a rhetoric is that!
but trust me,
it was really a tough decision to make.

and today, i've learnt so many nice quotes,
that brings me back to where i was before,
before i even know how feeling drained in service was,
when i was at my first love.

many of us, including me,
had a misconception of 'first love'.
we conveniently attribute it to the first time we loved,
but today, i was taught a diff meaning.

it meant 'fundamental love',
completely unrelated to passion, or lust,
or even enthusiasm or fizzy feelings..
it is actually a clear-headed decision to 'act' out of love.

let me try to quote an example.
we all know the holy trinity,
or the trinity of God consist of the 3 'forms' of God.
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

and because of the sin of ours,
the trinity had to be altered forever.
why did i say that?
God the Son had to be in flesh, for us..

get the drift?
one of the 'elements' or 'figures' of the trinity
had to depart from the close knitted realm,
and come down to earth to save us..

now, imagine our family.
we've roughly 3-5 members in our family.
and imagine one of your family members,
had to become a different form, to save a stranger.

would you like that?
dis kinda love,
only God can give.
NOTHING on earth can be comparable to that!

Jesus' cross for us,
is often depicted as the sign of God's love for us.
in the bible, John 3:16 puts in plainly to us..
He acted out of love.

it was a clear-headed decision that God made,
to allow one of the 'trinity' to be made flesh,
so that us, the unworthy ones can be saved.
His love for us didn't start from the cross..

it started when God knew He had to send Jesus for us.
that wasn't out of passion for mankind,
that wasn't out of fizzy feeling,
that wasn't out of guilt that He didn't make earth 'sin-proof'.

that was an act of a loving decision.
we've heard so many times,
actions speak louder than words,
but that's what we can see..

God went a step further,
He thought of us first,
instead of the cosy complete 'trinity' that He once had.
the thought, that birth action, that speaks love.

maybe from today on,
if those of you who agrees wif me.
might wanna re-look at our hearts when we take communion.
dis communion didn't come just like breaking bread.

it takes heartbreaking decisions,
it takes heartbreaking sufferings,
it takes heartbreaking actions,
so that we, might come closer to God thru Christ.

i absolutely loved the quotes i've learnt from them today!
these are some that we can ponder upon,
when we're questioning our standpoint in our service,
when we question the existence of God in our lives..

may these thoughts encourage you, friends.

"salvation is personal, but its not private."

"christianity is faith seeking understanding."

"put things right as we're called to."

"are you a believer, or a disciple?"


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